Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The Black Flag - Trailer

Filmed in the trenches as bullets fly overhead, Majed Nesisi's camera follows the volunteers fighting against IS control in Iraq.

Syria Archbishop Calls on West to Back President Bashar al-Assad in War against Islamist Rebels

THE TELEGRAPH: Archbishop Jean-Clément Jeanbart, based in Aleppo, says West should follow Russia in backing Assad regime rather than Islamist-dominated rebel groups

A leading Christian bishop in Syria has welcomed Russia's intervention in the country's civil war, saying the West should follow Vladimir Putin in backing President Bashar al-Assad rather than rebel groups dominated by Islamic extremists.

Archbishop Jean-Clément Jeanbart, who is based in the war-ravaged northern city of Aleppo, said Mr Putin's involvement had brought "hope" to many of Syria's Christian minority, who thought it might force the warring sides to the negotiating table.

In an interview with The Telegraph during a visit to London, he also urged Britain and America to re-examine their assessment of President Assad, who he claimed was not the "Devil" that they made him out to be.

Archbishop Jeanbart said: "I have been asking fellow bishops, priests and lay people about what they think of the Russian involvement, and they say they find some hope in it because they are desperate for the end of this war.

"As long as Europe and the USA have been involved, we have no seen no results despite the coalition bombing, but with the Russian intervention maybe things will change.

"Perhaps it will help destroy Daesh and push the opposition to find a solution," he added, using the Arabic acronym for Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

The bishop made his comments ahead of a visit to the House of Lords on Tuesday afternoon, where he was due to make a speech at event to mark the launch of a new report on the persecution of Christians worldwide. » | Colin Freeman | Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Besorgte Bürger radikalisieren sich - Widerstand - Merkel muss weg - Volksverräter - Neuwahlen - ARD

Erst gegen Ausländer, jetzt gegen den Staat: Wie Pegida & Co. immer radikaler werden. Wir haben in Sebnitz hingehört.

Widerstand gegen Merkels Asylpolitik wächst

Flüchtlingspolitik: Aufstand gegen Merkel weitet sich aus

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Die Zustimmung für die Kanzlerin und die Union sinken wegen Merkels Flüchtlingspolitik. In einer CDU-Fraktionssitzung entlädt sich der Unmut. Und ein offener Brief an Merkel findet immer mehr Unterzeichner: Sie verlangen, dass die Grenzen geschlossen werden.

In der CDU wird die Kritik an der Flüchtlingspolitik von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel deutlich lauter. So ist der drei Seiten lange und gegen Angela Merkels Flüchtlingskurs gerichtete Brandbrief von CDU-Funktionären und Landtagsabgeordneten aus acht Bundesländern gegen den Kurs der „Politik der offenen Grenzen“ von vielen weiteren Unionspolitikern unterzeichnet worden. Vor knapp einer Woche war er von 34 eher unbekannten Unions-Politikern unterzeichnet worden. Auch in der CDU-Bundestagsfraktion wurde nach Angaben von Teilnehmern der Sitzung am Dienstag offen wie noch nie zuvor Unmut über Merkels Kurs der Grenzöffnung für zehntausende Flüchtlinge laut.

Der an die Bundeskanzlerin gerichtete Brief hat nach Angaben der „Bild“-Zeitung inzwischen 126 Unterzeichner. Unter ihnen sind nun auch neben Funktionären aus der dritten und vierten Reihe bekanntere CDU-Politiker, darunter allein 38 Landtagsabgeordnete. » | Quelle: FAZ.NET | Mittwoch, 14. Oktober 2015

"60 Minutes" Interview: President Obama

Is the U.S. taking a backseat to Russia in Syria? Steve Kroft asks President Obama in an interview for “60 Minutes.”

A Look at the Swiss Guard

Mike Ceruiti, a Swiss Guard, tells 60 Minutes why he serves the pope.

Church of England Considers Christmas-only Parishes

THE TELEGRAPH: Radical plan to scrap Sunday services in some areas to cope with cost of maintaining historic buildings with dwindling congregations

Historic village churches across England could be closed down except on holy days such as Christmas and Easter under radical plans being considered by the Church of England to cope with decline.

A major report on the future of the 16,000 Anglican places of worship in England acknowledges that parts of the centuries-old parish system may soon no longer be “sustainable” as existing congregations age and overall numbers dwindle.

It discloses that one in four rural parishes – or about 2,000 churches – now have fewer than 10 regular worshippers and half would now be unable to muster even 20 on a Sunday. » | John Bingham, Religious Affairs Editor | Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Ann Corcoran on Refugee Resettlement

Buy Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to Americahere

Germany: PEGIDA Slams Merkel Over Refugee Influx

Putin Says US Officials Have 'Mush for Brains' As They REFUSE to Help Him Destroy ISIS

Vladimir Putin has hit out at Washington over the Syria crisis
EXPRESS: VLADIMIR Putin has accused US officials of having "mush for brains" after they refused to cooperate in his bid to wipe out the evil Islamic State.

The Russian president claimed Washington had shunned a request to provide a list of terrorist targets in the country.

He said: "We asked on the military level to give us the targets which they consider to be the terrorist ones for sure, 100 per cent. But the answer was: 'No, we are not ready to do that'.

"Then we thought and asked another question: 'Then could you tell us where we should not hit?' Again, no answer. So, what should we do?"

Since Putin launched airstrikes in Syria last month, Washington and its allies have suggested Russia is seeking to prop up Bashar al-Assad's regime.

But he hit back, saying his country wants to "contribute to the fight against terrorism" which threatens "the whole world".

Speaking in Moscow, Putin added: "I think some of our partners simply have mush for brains. » | Tom Parfitt | Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Bahrain Accuses Iran of 'State-sponsored Terrorism'

"We are fighting state-sponsored terrorism," said Sheikh Khalid.
"There are cells operating in Bahrain that report directly to their
superiors in Iran"
THE TELEGRAPH: Tiny Gulf state says Iran is providing sanctuary and financial support for terrorists planning attacks aimed at overthrowing pro-Western monarchy

The tiny Gulf state of Bahrain has accused Iran of waging a campaign of “state-sponsored terrorism” aimed at overthrowing the country’s pro-Western ruling monarchy.

Bahraini security officials claim Iran is providing sanctuary and financial support for terrorists planning attacks in the kingdom, and say that scores of Bahraini citizens have received training in various terrorist techniques in camps operated by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards.

Speaking during a visit to London on Tuesday, Sheikh Khalid bin Ahmad Al Khalifa, Barhain’s Foreign Minister, claimed Iran had embarked on “the path of conquest and power projection” against neighbouring Gulf states.

“We are fighting state-sponsored terrorism,” said Sheikh Khalid. “There are cells operating in Bahrain that report directly to their superiors in Iran.”

Since Iran signed its controversial nuclear deal with the West in June, Bahraini officials say they have identified a significant increase in Iranian-backed terrorist activity in the sheikhdom. » | Con Coughlin, Defence Editor | Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

President Obama Reveals Himself

Oct. 12, 2015 - 9:12 - 'The O'Reilly Factor': Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points 10/12

Amid Russian Airstrikes, a Putin Craze Takes Hold in Mideast

A Syrian woman kisses a poster of Russian President Vladimir
Putin during a pro-Syrian government protest in March 2012
in font of the Russian Embassy in Damascus.
THE JAPAN TIMES: BEIRUT – Amid the ornate walls of Damascus’ famed Omayyad Mosque, preacher Maamoun Rahmeh stood before worshippers last week, declaring Russian President Vladimir Putin a “giant and beloved leader” who has “destroyed the myth of the self-aggrandizing America.”

Posters of Putin are popping up on cars and billboards elsewhere in parts of Syria and Iraq, praising the Russian military intervention in Syria as one that will redress the balance of power in the region.

The Russian leader is winning accolades from many in Iraq and Syria, who see Russian airstrikes in Syria as a turning point after more than a year of largely ineffectual efforts by the U.S.-led coalition to dislodge the Islamic State militants who have occupied significant parts of the two countries.

The reactions underscore that while the West may criticize Putin for supporting Syrian President Bashar Assad, there is some relief in the region at the emergence of a player with a coherent — if controversial — strategy. » | AP | Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Dresden PEGIDA Rally Draws Thousands Demanding Ouster of Refugees, Merkel

THE JAPAN TIMES: DRESDEN, GERMANY – Thousands of Germans took part Monday in a protest organized by the anti-Islam group PEGIDA, almost one year after it held its first rally in the eastern city of Dresden.

Police declined to provide a crowd count for the protest, which passed peacefully. An AP reporter estimated the crowd at about 7,000-8,000.

Speakers including PEGIDA co-founder Lutz Bachmann denounced the decision of German Chancellor Angela Merkel government’s to take in hundreds of thousands of refugees, many of whom are fleeing conflicts in Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq.

“They are leading us straight into a European civil war,” Bachmann told the crowd in front of Dresden’s famous Semperoper opera house. Protesters responded with chants of “Merkel must go” and calls to deport refugees. One protester carried a mock gallows with two hangman’s nooses, marked “Reserved for Angela Merkel” and “Reserved for Sigmar Gabriel,” her deputy. » | AP | Tuesday, October 13, 2015

UK Ditches Plan to Bid for £5.9m Saudi Arabia Prisons Contract

THE GUARDIAN: Opposition MPs laud justice secretary Michael Gove, while PM is to write to Saudis over fate of UK pensioner Karl Andree, who faces 360 lashes

Downing Street has announced that the government is to cancel a £5.9m contract to provide a training programme for prisons in Saudi Arabia.

In a significant victory for the justice secretary, Michael Gove – whose attempts to cancel the project had been resisted by David Cameron and the foreign secretary, Philip Hammond – the prime minister’s spokeswoman said the contract has been cancelled following a review.

The spokeswoman said: “This bid to provide the additional training to Saudi Arabia has been reviewed and the government has decided that it won’t be proceeding with the bid. The review has been ongoing following the decision that was announced earlier in September to close down the Just Solutions International branch of the Ministry of Justice that was providing some of these services.”

In another significant development, Downing Street also announced that the prime minister is to write to the Saudi authorities to raise his concerns about the case of Karl Andree, the 74-year-old grandfather who is due to face 360 lashes for transporting homemade wine in his car.

The No 10 spokeswoman said: “This is an extremely concerning case. We have been providing consular assistance to Mr Andree and to his family since he was first arrested. We have raised the case repeatedly in recent weeks. » | Nicholas Watt and Alan Travis | Tuesday, October 13, 2015

THE GUARDIAN: Saudi prisons contract: Gove and Hammond clash over deal: Foreign secretary accuses cabinet colleague of ‘naivety’ for seeking to withdraw from £5.9m bid to provide services to Saudi penal system » | Nadia Khomami | Tuesday, October 13, 2015

THE GUARDIAN: Michael Gove emerges as human rights hero over bid to scrap Saudi prisons deal: Fresh details of justice secretary’s cabinet battle with Philip Hammond casts him as improbable champion of human rights » | Alan Travis Home affairs editor | Tuesday, October 13, 2015

«Merkel macht aus Deutschland ein riesiges Dschungelcamp»

TAGES ANZEIGER: Fast 10'000 Menschen haben in Dresden an einer Pegida-Kundgebung teilgenommen. Die Bundesregierung und deren Flüchtlingspolitik sind harsch kritisiert worden.

Am Montagabend haben sich in Dresden erneut tausende Menschen an einer Demonstration der antiislamischen Pegida-Bewegung beteiligt. Nach Schätzungen der Gruppe Durchgezählt versammelten sich bis zu 9000 Menschen auf dem Theaterplatz vor der Semperoper.

Der Pegida-Mitbegründer Lutz Bachmann wies in seiner Rede auf das einjährige Bestehen von Pegida in der kommenden Woche hin. Die Bundesregierung bezeichnete er als «unsere Berliner Diktatoren» und kritisierte deren Flüchtlingspolitik. Hier sei eine «Kehrtwende dringend erforderlich». Es müsse «unattraktiver werden, in Deutschland Asyl zu beantragen». » | woz/chk/sda | Montag, 12. Oktober 2015

Verwandt »

Al-Nusra-Chef bietet drei Millionen Euro für Assads Ermordung

TAGES ANZEIGER: Auf den syrischen Präsidenten Baschar al-Assad hat die islamistische Al-Nusra-Front ein Kopfgeld ausgesetzt.

Die islamistische Al-Nusra-Front, syrischer Ableger des sunnitischen Al-Kaida-Netzwerks, hat auf die Tötung des syrischen Präsidenten Baschar al-Assad eine Belohnung von 3 Millionen Euro (rund 3,3 Millionen [Schweizer] Franken) ausgesetzt. » | Dienstag, 13. Oktober 2015

Germany: Antifa Scuffle with Police at PEGIDA Demo

Tenions were high as Antifa protesters scuffled with police in the Bavarian city of Wurzburg on Monday, as an estimated 200 PEGIDA (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West) protesters marched through the city.


WIKI: Würzburg »

Germany: PEGIDA Supporters March in Munich against Refugees

Around 3,000 PEGIDA (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West) supporters marched through the streets of Munich against refugees on Monday, as a small group of antifascists participated in a counter demonstration.