Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Do Egyptians Still Want Change? – Inside Story

Could London Refuse Second Scotland Referendum? "They Wouldn't Dare!"

War of Words between the Netherlands and Turkey

France Presidential Race: Fillon Placed Under Formal Investigation Over 'Fake Jobs'

Obaid: Life Beyond Faith

Born in India and raised in Canada, Obaid began questioning faith at a young age - early-on his sense of wonder was kindled by Carl Sagan’s Cosmos and science classes. Moved by the rationality and logic of evidence-based thinking and a scientific worldview, he stopped believing entirely by the time he was 16 years old.

Obaid’s line of work has taken him across the globe: he has spent time in Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Sudan and Haiti. He learned first-hand how damaging sectarian violence can be to a society, experiences which led to him realizing the dangers of faith.

Today, Obaid is an unflinching advocate for free speech and inquiry. He sees religion to be inherently opposed to free thought and speech, which he considers the best tools to break free from the chains of faith.

Hope, Fear and Uncertainty in London as Brexit Looms

Muhammad Syed: Ex-Muslim

Muhammad Syed is an ex-Muslim and President of the Ex-Muslims of North America. He spent a few minutes with Seth Andrews in conversation about his former faith.

Ex-Muslims of North America »

Egypt: Ex-President Hosni Mubarak to Be Freed

Lawyers for former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak say he will be released from a military hospital in the next two days.

Brexit Greenlight: UK Parliament Passes Trigger Bill

The UK Parliament has given the green light for the country to leave the EU, as the House of Lords passed a landmark Brexit bill allowing Prime Minister Theresa May to begin official Brexit procedures.

A Strategy for Christians in a Post-Christian World

Mar. 13, 2017 - 4:23 - Author and conservative columnist Rod Dreher tells American Christians how to prepare for a coming Dark Age in new book, 'The Benedict Option' #Tucker

I see someone else is now talking of the coming Dark Age. – Mark

Monday, March 13, 2017

‘They Should Make Excuses’: Rift between Turkey & Netherlands Deepens

A row has exploded between Turkey and The Netherlands - after the EU country banned rallies in support of the Turkish president, who's drumming up support ahead of a constitutional referendum. In response, Ankara compared Amsterdam's actions to those of the Nazis. Two Turkish ministers were also effectively barred from entering The Netherlands. In his latest speech, the Turkish president called the EU state ‘a banana republic.’

What Will the Dutch Decide? (Parts 1 & 2)

Is the Far-right Headed for Victory in the Netherlands? Inside Story

The Netherlands has long been known as a country of socially liberal values.

Why should the rise in the so-called far-right in The Netherlands be an enigma? The Dutch were very liberal when there was no threat to their liberal way of life. Now that there is, the Dutch have become more 'conservative.' As Islam has grown in strength in The Netherlands, and as Islam is very regressive and illiberal, this has been the motivating factor for the rise in the far-right in the country. This should not be a surprise to anyone. – Mark

UK: The Rise in Ex-Muslims: Leaving Islam and Converting to Christianity | Sky News, 2017

This documentary focuses on the phenomenon rise of Muslims leaving Islam and converting to Christianity, it is happening throughout the UK and Europe, here we interview some ex muslims/new Christians to discuss the reasons why people are finding the truth in Christianity, and how they helping to spread the true word of the Gospel.

Sharia Law Explained

We know we are learning the truth about the Sharia because Muslims are telling us that we don’t understand it. A Washington Post guest writer put forth a refutation of the myths about the Sharia. Of course he makes deceptive arguments about Islam. I debunk the 5 myths, with the 5 truths, of Sharia.

How To Deal With Homophobic Religious Extremists

When I Say "I'm Gay"

Is being gay a sin? Is being gay "unnatural," as boxer Manny Pacquiao said recently? These are questions I've thought deeply about.

Inside Stephen Bannon's Nomadic Lifestyle | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The Washington Post's Shawn Boburg reports on presidential adviser Stephen Bannon's nomadic lifestyle prior to Trump's nomination.