It is often stated that "Islam is a noble religion". For the life of me I cannot see what is noble about this religion.
In Islam, women are stoned to death for adultery. Men usually get away with it! Women have their clitoris, prepuce, or labia removed, all in the name of circumcision, so that they are no longer able to enjoy making love. Women who make the deadly mistake of committing adultery are killed by members of their family for the supposed shame brought on that family. This is the so-called honour-killing.
People who steal have their hands or feet amputated. More serious crimes are punished with a ceremonious beheading in the public square. All in the name of Allah! People who indulge in alcohol suffer the indignity of being lashed.
Then we have this furore about harmless cartoons. It would certainly appear that these are the actions of a humourless people.
I really find it hard to understand what is "noble" about this faith! Am I missing something? Can you help me understand?
©Mark Alexander