Showing posts with label temple death. Show all posts
Showing posts with label temple death. Show all posts

Monday, May 25, 2009

Right-wing Outcry After Temple Death

WIENER ZEITUNG: Stadler calls for border checks and more police officers. / Two houses raided by Vienna police.

Vienna. The reaction of Austria’s right-wing parties to the shooting at a Sikh temple in Vienna has caused fury from Social Democrats.

Ewald Stadler, European Parliament (EP) election front-runner for the Alliance for the Future of Austria (BZÖ) said today (Mon) "problem gurus and hate preachers” should not be allowed into the country. Stadler called for the re-introduction of border checks between Austria and Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic respectively, suggesting similar restrictions on the borders to Italy and Germany could also be an option.

Stadler repeated his calls for more police officers and called for an increase in subsidies for institutions who secure interior safety.

FPÖ boss Heinz-Christian Strache claimed the "policy of open doors" of the Social Democrats would "lead into chaos and multicultural crime”.

Vienna SPÖ Integration Councillor Sandra Frauenberger said it was "disgraceful” Strache was now thinking of nothing else than "acting as a hate preacher who incites people against each other”. >>> By Thomas Hochwarter | From Tuesday’s printed edition, May 26, 2009