Showing posts with label online censorship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label online censorship. Show all posts

Monday, August 12, 2024

“Quite Chilling” | Government to Review Social Media Law amid Riots

Aug 12, 2024 | Sir Keir Starmer has suggested that the Government will review social media laws in the wake of the riots.

Baroness Claire Fox from the Academy of Ideas joins Talk’s Mike Graham to discuss this further. Mike says: "You cannot police something like the internet... it's impossible to do."

Our Führer, Herr Starmer, is a rather frightening character. He has only been in office for a very short while, yet he has already made everyone fearful. I am a man of a certain age, and I can honestly say that I have never known anything like this in my country before. The situation in the UK now makes me think of how life must have been like in East Germany under the STASI. The sooner we get rid of this man, the better. Herr Starmer is not to be trusted. We need a WRITTEN CONSTITUTION urgently. We need our very own FIRST AMENDMENT. – © Mark Alexander

The Stuff of Dictatorships!” Reform UK’s Richard Tice on Riot ‘Censorship’

Aug 12, 2024 | Sir Keir Starmer has suggested that the Government will review social media laws in the wake of the riots, emphasising the need to “look more broadly” at the issue.

Talk’s Julia Hartley-Brewer is joined by Reform UK Deputy Leader Richard Tice to discuss the potential increase in online censorship. Richard: “This is the stuff of dictatorships in China, North Korea or Russia. I didn’t put the UK alongside those countries but maybe we should.”

We have our very own Führer now! – © Mark Alexander