Showing posts with label military operations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label military operations. Show all posts

Friday, March 18, 2011

Libya Reacts to No-fly Zone

Libye : la France va participer aux frappes imminentes

Benghazi, jubilations
Des Libyens ont brandi leur drapeau national libyen et le drapeau tricolore français après le vote de la résolution onusienne, jeudi soir, dans la ville rebelle de Benghazi. Photo : Le Figaro

LE FIGARO: L'ONU a donné jeudi soir son feu vert à une opération militaire. La Libye n'a «pas peur», a rétorqué vendredi l'un des fils de Mouammar Kadhafi, Seif al-Islam. Paris, Londres et Washington ont commencé à coordonner une stratégie.

Les frappes militaires interviendront «dans quelques heures» et les Français y «participeront», a annoncé vendredi le porte-parole du gouvernement François Baroin. Le Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU a voté jeudi soir en faveur d'un recours à la force contre les troupes du colonel Mouammar Kadhafi, ouvrant la voie à des frappes aériennes en Libye. La résolution 1973 adoptée par le Conseil autorise en effet «toutes les mesures nécessaires» pour protéger les civils et imposer un cessez-le-feu à l'armée libyenne. » | Par Thomas Vampouille | Vendredi 18 Mars 2011
Benghazi Cheers UN No-fly Zone

The United Nations has passed a no-fly zone over Libya, just a day after the west gave little indication they were willing to act in the north African state. Pro-democracy supporters were jubilant at the news of the draft resolution being passed. In the opposition-held stronghold of Benghazi, huge crowds were seen waving flags and cheering as fireworks filled the air. Al Jazeera's Imran Khan reports

Libya: I’ll Attack Passenger Jets, Warns Gaddafi, as US Air Strikes Loom

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Western forces could launch bombing raids against the Libyan regime as early as Friday after the UN backed international military action.

Colonel Gaddafi threatened retaliatory attacks on passenger aircraft in the Mediterranean last night if foreign countries launched air strikes against Libya.

“Any foreign military act” would expose “all air and maritime traffic in the Mediterranean Sea” as targets for a counter attack, the Libyan regime said.

The warning was issued after America formally backed a joint British and French initiative for a no-fly zone over Libya and other military action against Col Gaddafi’s regime.

Amid growing international concern at the deteriorating situation in the country, the first bombing raids, possibly by unmanned drones, could happen as early as today. There were reports last night that the first attacks would be unilateral actions by British and French air forces with logistical support from Arab states.

The United Nations was meeting to discuss the plan as Col Gaddafi’s troops massed on the outskirts of Benghazi, the last stronghold of rebel fighters.

Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, said that a no-fly zone would involve bombing ground targets. » | Robert Winnett,, Deputy Political Editor, Jon Swaine in New York and Richard Spencer in Tripoli | Friday, March 18, 2011

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Empire - Right to Intervene?

As Muammar Gaddafi strikes to crush rebel forces in Libya, Empire looks at the case for and against intervention

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Turkish Parliament Gives Green Light for Military Operations in Iraq

BBC: Turkey's parliament has given permission for the government to launch military operations into Iraq in pursuit of Kurdish rebels.

The vote was taken in defiance of pressure from the US and Iraq, which have called on Turkey for restraint. Turkish MPs back attacks in Iraq (more)

Turkish Parliament Approves Cross-Border Attacks

Parliament in Turkey Approves Iraq Incursion

Mark Alexander