Showing posts with label la réforme des soins de santé. Show all posts
Showing posts with label la réforme des soins de santé. Show all posts

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Sweeping Health Care Plan Passes House

THE NEW YORK TIMES: WASHINGTON — Handing President Obama a hard-fought victory, the House narrowly approved a sweeping overhaul of the nation’s health care system on Saturday night, advancing legislation that Democrats said could stand as their defining social policy achievement.

After a daylong clash with Republicans over what has been a Democratic goal for decades, lawmakers voted 220 to 215 to approve a plan that would cost $1.1 trillion over 10 years. Democrats said the legislation would provide overdue relief to Americans struggling to buy or hold on to health insurance.

“This is our moment to revolutionize health care in this country,” said Representative George Miller, Democrat of California and one of the chief architects of the bill.

Democrats were forced to make major concessions on insurance coverage for abortions to attract the final votes to secure passage, a wrenching compromise for the numerous abortion-rights advocates in their ranks.

Many of them hope to make changes to the amendment during negotiations with the Senate, which will now become the main battleground in the health care fight as Democrats there ready their own bill for what is likely to be extensive floor debate.

Democrats say the House measure — paid for through new fees and taxes, along with cuts in Medicare — would extend coverage to 36 million people now without insurance while creating a government health insurance program. It would end insurance company practices like not covering pre-existing conditions or dropping people when they become ill.

Republicans condemned the vote and said they would oppose the measure as it proceeds on its legislative route. “This government takeover has got a long way to go before it gets to the president’s desk, and I’ll continue to fight it tooth and nail at every turn,” said Representative Kevin Brady, Republican of Texas. “Health care is too important to get it wrong.” >>> Carl Hulse and Robert Pear | Saturday, November 07, 2009

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Obama attaque les adversaires de sa réforme de la couverture santé

MÉTRO MONTRÉAL: PORTSMOUTH, New Hampshire - Le président Barack Obama s'est fait offensif pour soutenir son projet de réforme de la protection sociale mardi, priant une foule de citoyens acquis à sa cause de ne pas écouter ceux qui cherchent à "effrayer et égarer le peuple américain".

"Parmi toutes les techniques visant à vous effrayer, il y en a une vraiment effrayante, c'est de ne rien faire" a argumenté le président devant des partisans réunis dans un lycée du New Hampshire.
>>> The Associated Press | Mardi 11 Août 2009

US-Gesundheitssystem: Obama wirft Reformgegnern "Angstmacherei" vor

WELT ONLINE: Barack Obama ist empört über die Art und Weise, wie seine geplante Gesundheitsreform teilweise kritisiert wird. Gegner der Reform würden suggerieren, er wolle bei älteren kranken Menschen "den Stecker rausziehen" lassen, so Obama. Solche Gerüchte dienten lediglich dazu, den Menschen Angst zu machen.

Wegen des wachsenden Widerstands gegen die geplante Gesundheitsreform hat US-Präsident Barack Obama seinen politischen Gegnern unfaire Methoden vorgeworfen.

Die Reformgegner setzten bewusst auf „Angstmacherei“ und versuchten, die Bürger durch die gezielte Irreführung zu verunsichern, sagte Obama auf einem Bürgerforum in Portsmouth im Bundesstaat New Hampshire: „Sie schaffen ein Gespenst, das es in Wirklichkeit nicht gibt.“ >>> AFP/cn | Dienstag, 11. August 2009