Showing posts with label hedonism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hedonism. Show all posts

Saturday, December 08, 2012

Iran's Hedonistic Youth

Banned from normal teenage pastimes and strictly segregated from the opposite sex, Iranian students have found another way of getting their kicks -- taking drugs like ecstasy.

"All my friends take these pills", states 21 year old Maran. "We've even created a new expression for it. We say 'tonight, we're going to blow ourselves up". At a university rock concert, pills are readily available. Students may be strictly segregated and forced to remain seated at all times but even that isn't going to stop them partying. "We do it because pleasure is a foreign word in this society", states Goldis. "The mullahs want us to mourn endlessly". Another escape they have is skiing. The mountains are packed with people looking to escape the restraints of daily life. "Up here I feel like I'm in another country", states Sannaz. "Boys and girls can meet much more easily -- it's a good place to find a boyfriend".

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Hedonists, Muslims, Masters and Slaves

It should be obvious to all thinking men and women that the West is in a battle for survival. Unfortunately, there are far too few people around who understand the problem. There are even fewer people around willing to do anything about it. This is the sadness of our time.

There is so much glib talk about the West being democratic. As the years go by, there is increasing evidence that the West is losing its democracy, since important decisions are being made, without the least consultation with the people, without the least consultation with the voters who have put the politicians in power. In fact, it seems to me that most politicians are abusing the powers that they have been given. And let’s not forget this: They have been given power to safeguard our freedoms. Yet each and every day we can read of this being banned and that being outlawed.

To heap coals on the fire, many Westerners have become hedonists. So many people today care far more about the pleasures of life, the second home, the second or third car, the multiple foreign holidays per annum, but pay scant regard for what is going on politically in their countries. The representative who gets their vote is often the representative who is the most handsome, or the one who will give them the best tax break. They want more of everything; yet they are willing to give up nothing.

But it is a fact of life that there are times when, in the interests of survival, people have to sacrifice. The Second World War was a case in point. Without sacrifice, that war would never have been won, and the ideology of National Socialism would never have been beaten.

At present, we have another ideology trying to destroy our civilization. Its name is Islam. Yet the best that our leaders can do is kow-tow to Muslims, the best thing they can do is give in to their every wish and demand. It’s easier that way. It involves far less courage, and in the short-term, it involves far less sacrifice. But don’t be fooled, ladies and gentleman. The sacrifice will come, as sure as night follows day. We will have to sacrifice our culture, for in the long-term, our civilization will be subsumed by an Islamic ‘civilization.’

One of the problems is this: Westerners have become far too hedonistic, whereas Muslims are willing and able and ready to fight for their cause. And what is that cause? To turn Dar ul harb’, the ‘House of War’, into Dar ul Islam, or the ‘House of Islam.’ They are determined to achieve their goals; we should be equally as determined to thwart their efforts. But we seem not to be. We are busy giving in to their demands, for it must be said that our leaders show every sign of being jelly-bellied in the face of Islam. They lack courage, lack insight and lack any basic understanding of the nature of the problem, and they certainly lack the determination to stop the rot.

In many ways, Muslims are cleverer than we are. They will not give in. They are also far, far more committed to their religion than Westerners are to Christianity. Theirs is a supremacist ideology; our current ideology if we can grace it with such a name is self-deprecating. We make excuses for ourselves at each and every turn.

No war was ever won that way!

President Bush has a lot to answer for, as does the erstwhile prime minister of Great Britain, Tony Blair. Both have shown themselves to be pussies rather than lions, both have shown themselves to be inept.

How, for example, could a war in Iraq be justified when most of the 9/11 attackers came from Saudi Arabia? Did it make any sense to invade Iraq rather than Saudi Arabia? Did it make any sense to make the Iraqis suffer for the wrongdoing of the Saudis?

But the invasion of Saudi Arabia was never a realistic option for President Bush and Prime Minister Blair, since the US and the UK have a master-slave relationship with the desert kingdom. We are the slaves, and they are the masters!

The latest comments by the US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia show just how weak President Bush and his administration truly are. It is disgraceful that Bush can fawn over the Saudis and Muslims as he does, when it was they who have wreaked havoc with freedom ever since 9/11, it is they who have brought a pall over life in the West ever since that fateful, egregious day, and it is they who fund the spread of Wahhabism in the West.

President Bush ought to feel ashamed of himself. He tried to bring democracy to Iraq, to a part of the world where it was not wanted, in the naïve belief that all people want the same thing, yet all the while our freedoms and liberties have been eroded here at home, both in the US and in the rest of the West by our leaders' craven behaviour.

History will not be kind either to Bush or Blair or any other politicians who fail to recognize the dangers we face, and who fail to take the necessary measures to safeguard our liberties and our civilization. For it has been under their watch that Islam has grown so strong in the midst of our Judeo-Christian civilization, not under anybody else’s.

Soft thinkers are inclined to think that all will be well, and that nothing can happen to our beloved democracies. They would do well to remember just how easily the Soviet Union was toppled. What happened there can also happen here.

When President Bush retires in 2008, he will have plenty of time to ruminate on his mistakes. If he has any conscience at all, the best he can hope for is loss of sleep. I feel sure that Blair already is losing his!

Hedonists, slavish acceptance and adherence to mythical concepts such as Islam being a religion of peace, something which Bush is apt to state over and over, will do nothing to safeguard our civilization. Merely stating something over and over, ad nauseam, does not make it true.

President Bush is well on the way to making slaves of us all! Dear readers, wake up from those reveries! Hedonism and weakness never won any war. This is a war to the death. It behoves us not to forget the story of the fall of Rome.

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©Mark Alexander

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