Showing posts with label election fiasco. Show all posts
Showing posts with label election fiasco. Show all posts

Friday, May 06, 2011

Election Results Analysis: Bitter Nick Clegg Tries to Blame Margaret Thatcher

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: It was that bad. Yes, Nick Clegg was forced to blame Margaret Thatcher for his party’s pitiful showing in not-so-super Thursday’s elections.

The Deputy Prime Minister’s bitter response to the Liberal Democrat thumping was to claim that voters had turned away from him because of fears that the Coalition was heading towards replicating the 1980s and all its horror.

The Lib Dem leader has had quite a long time to think of an excuse and in the end he pathetically reached for one trotted out by his party’s pigmy president Tim Farron last week.

Mr Clegg committed to redoubling his efforts to illustrate why the Lib Dem influence in the Coalition will halt the dastardly Tories from implemented their neo-Thatcherite plans. Good luck with that.

It is difficult to overstate what a shocker Mr Clegg has presided over – and today it is unlikely to get any better. If he has been slumped on the ropes by the council results, he is likely to be dropped to the canvas by the inevitable No vote in the Alternative Referendum that will be announced this evening. Continue reading and comment » | Andrew Porter, Political Editor | Friday, May 06, 2011

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Beginning of the End?

YNET NEWS: Young Iranians may topple Ayatollah regime in wake of elections fiasco

Upon the publication of the official results of the Iranian presidential elections in 2009, which showed incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as the clear winner, regime rivals including the government of Israel can be satisfied.

Ahmadinejad’s victory, which most people believe was apparently achieved via a well-oiled machine of fraud, threats, the deployment of armed forces, closure of rival headquarters, and disconnected cellular phones, may mark the beginning of the end of the Ayatollah regime. This regime was established by the Ayatollah Khomeini 30 years ago, in 1979, after he led a revolution that toppled the Shah and the Pahlavi dynasty.

During the past 30 years, Islamic regime leaders made sure not to repeat the grave mistakes made by the previous regime. As they took advantage of the Shah’s mistakes in order to topple him, Islamic leaders knew precisely which errors to avoid. However, in the latest presidential elections they revived the well-known dictum that we are doomed to repeat our mistakes.

On several occasions during his rule, the Shah was accused of forging election results; large strata of society believed these charges and this laid the groundwork for the popular revolution against him in 1978-79.

Yet on Friday it was the Islamic regime which so blatantly forged the results of the Iranian presidential elections. >>> Soli Shahvar | Sunday, June 14, 2009