Showing posts with label Tubruq. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tubruq. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Gaddafis Angriffe nähern sich Benghasi

FAZ.NET: Die Truppen des libyschen Machthabers Gaddafi sind am Montag weiter in den Osten Libyens vorgedrungen. Unterdessen tagte der UN-Sicherheitsrat in New York und erörterte ein mögliches Flugverbot über Libyen. Außenminister Westerwelle äußerte sich abermals skeptisch.

Libysche Kampfflugzeuge haben am Montag die ostlibysche Stadt Adschdabija angegriffen. Adschdabij liegt östlich der Hafenstadt Brega und ist der letzte größere Ort vor Benghasi, dem Sitz des Nationalen Rats der Opposition, der sich als Übergangsregierung versteht. Aus Adschdabija zweigt auch eine wichtige Wüstenstraße in Richtung Tobruk und der ägyptischen Grenze ab. » | F.A.Z./hcr./rüb./sat. | Montag, 14. März 2011

Friday, June 19, 2009

New Dark Age Alert! Bubonic Plague Reported in Libya

BBC: The World Health Organization (WHO) is sending an expert to Libya to look into a reported outbreak of bubonic plague not far from the Egyptian border.

Libyan officials say at least one person has died and several more have been infected in the town of Tubruq.

Cases of the disease, which was known as the Black Death in medieval Europe, are reported quite frequently in sub-Saharan Africa.

Bubonic plague can be treated with antibiotics if diagnosed early.

The WHO received a request from Libya to investigate the suspected cases in Tubruq on Tuesday, spokeswoman Aphaluck Bhatiasevi said.

An expert is on his way to Tubruq where he will help a government team study epidemiological data and check the reported cases.

If confirmed, it would be the first outbreak in that part of Libya for about 25 years, Ms Bhatiasevi said.

The Associated Press news agency quoted a Libyan official as saying that two people had been treated and sent home, and 10 others turned out not to have the disease.

Plague primarily affects wild rodents, and is spread between them by fleas.

Humans who contract the plague through flea bites normally develop a bubonic form - in other words, a form that enters via the skin.

Besides Africa, cases have also been reported in some Asian countries and in the US in recent years. [Source: BBC] | Wednesday, June 17, 2009