Republicans Could Win Control of Congress, White House Admits for First TimeTHE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH:
The White House has admitted for the first time that Republicans could win control of the House of Representatives in crucial elections in November.
Robert Gibbs, the White House Press Secretary. Photo: The Sunday TelegraphRobert Gibbs, the president's spokesman, acknowledged that deep frustration with the economy could see the Democrats' 75-seat majority in the lower chamber wiped out.
"There is no doubt there are enough seats at play that could cause Republicans to gain control, there is no doubt about that," Mr Gibbs told NBC's "Meet the Press".
All 435 seats in the House are up for grabs in the Nov 2 election as well as 36 of the 100 seats in the Senate, which the Democrats expect to hold.
The party is considered particularly vulnerable in southern and midwestern states, districts that turned Democratic in the latter years of the Bush administration. A consensus has emerged among Washington observers that the House would be lost or the ruling party's majority reduced to a handful of seats.
Such outcomes would make it difficult for President Barack Obama to push through his agenda, which is likely to include major reform of energy and immigration. It would not augur well for his re-election bid in 2012.
>>> Alex Spillius in Washington | Sunday, July 11, 2010