Showing posts with label Pan Am 103. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pan Am 103. Show all posts

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Libya: Moussa Koussa 'Could Leave Britain'

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Moussa Koussa, the Libyan defector, could be allowed to leave the country, William Hague has said.

The foreign secretary said Mr Koussa, who faces inquiries from the International Criminal Court and families of the victims of Libyan terrorists, would not be forced to return to Libya, adding: "There are quite a range of places that he could go to live."

Mr Hague's comments, in an interview with Sky News, came as relatives of the Lockerbie bombing victims accepted he may never face trial in Britain.

Susan Cohen, who lost her only daughter on Pan Am Flight 103 said the former intelligence chief "should probably be hanged for what he has done" but she had no expectation of him ending up in a Scottish court.

She added that American relatives were more interested in the British authorities using him to "get to" Col Muammar Gaddafi than in seeing Mr Koussa on trial. » | Auslan Cramb, James Kirkup and Duncan Gardham | Friday, April 08, 2011

Friday, September 18, 2009

Lockerbie Bomber Abdul Baset Ali al-Megrahi Releases Appeal Dossier

TIMES ONLINE: The Lockerbie bomber today released the papers that he believes would have secured his release on appeal.

In an act of revenge on the Scottish legal system Abdul Baset Ali al-Megrahi published the 300-page dossier which challenges key planks of the prosecution case against him.

The papers detail how his identification as the man who purchased clothing found wrapped around the bomb that caused the explosion of Pan Am Flight 103 was flawed. The evidence by Maltese shopkeeper Tony Gauci was crucial to the Libyan's conviction.

It also argues there was insufficient evidence to prove the date of the purchase and questions the prosecution's claim that the bomb was planted at Luqa airport in Malta.

Al-Megrahi said in a statement: “I have returned to Tripoli with my unjust conviction still in place.

“As a result of the abandonment of my appeal, I have been deprived of the opportunity to clear my name through the formal appeal process.

“I have vowed to continue my attempts to clear my name.” >>> Charlene Sweeney | Friday, September 18, 2009

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Attentat de Lockerbie: Les incohérences de la piste libyenne

LE TEMPS: La «piste libyenne» dans l’attentat contre le vol de la Pan Am en 1988 est minée d’incohérences et la libération récente du «coupable», atteint de cancer, arrange pas mal de monde. Un ingénieur suisse au cœur du procès et un professeur autrichien, parmi d’autres, contestent la version officielle depuis des années.

«Répugnant», «un outrage», «insulte à la vraie pitié». Depuis la libération d’Abdelbaset al-Megrahi le 20 août, la colère ne faiblit pas. Comment ose-t-on relâcher – même pour raisons humanitaires (cancer en phase terminale) – le terroriste qui a tué 270 personnes en glissant une bombe dans la soute du vol Pan Am 103?

Vingt et un ans après l’attentat de Lockerbie, les blessures se rouvrent. L’accueil triomphal d’Al-Megrahi en Libye est un acide versé sur la plaie, de même que les déclarations de Saïf Kadhafi, fils de Mouammar, qui qualifie Lockerbie d’«histoire ancienne. La prochaine étape, c’est un commerce fructueux et productif avec Edimbourg et Londres». Du coup, le pèlerinage des chefs d’Etat à Tripoli pour célébrer les quarante ans de la «grande révolution» devient le théâtre de la honte.

Sans doute entre-t-il beaucoup de realpolitik cynique dans le drôle de dénouement de l’affaire Lockerbie. Reste surtout une question: et si ce n’était pas la Libye qui avait fait le coup? Coups de théâtre >>> Jean-Claude Péclet | Samedi 29 Août 2009