Bin Laden’s Son Seeks Life as UK Country GentlemanWORLDNETDAILY: The fourth son of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, who attended terror-training sessions in Afghanistan with his father, may soon take up residence with his British wife at her English country home, where the two plan to have a child with a surrogate mother and become peace activists, if his recent request for a visa is approved.
Omar Bin Laden, 26, who met Jane Felix-Browne, 52, in September 2006 when the Englishwoman was vacationing in Egypt, has been interviewed by British Embassy officials in Cairo, the London Daily Mail reported.
Felix-Brown, then a grandmother, surprised many last year when she announced she had become daughter-in-law to the mastermind of the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, on New York City and Washington, D.C. The pair hid their marriage – the sixth for Felix-Brown and the second (concurrent) marriage for bin Laden – initially.
Last July,
when interviewed by the Daily Mail on her way to rejoin her new husband in Egypt, Felix-Brown expressed skepticism over her father-in-law's role in the terror attack.
"I mean, do you know - beyond all doubt – that he did it? If so, I'd like you to show me the evidence. I don't think it's nice to make assumptions about someone when you don't know the facts," she said.
At the time, Felix-Brown – who has since changed her name to Zaina Al Sabah Bin Laden – expressed a desire to eventually settle in Saudi Arabia and said she had no problem with her husband having another wife and child.
"I'd set up another home nearby, and he would come and go between the two," she said. "It is quite normal, really. I don't mind at all – why should I? I'm not jealous of his wife. I have spoken to her. Lots of married men in this country have girlfriends. At least he is being honest."
Unfortunately for bin Laden's first wife, British immigration officials care less about "honesty" than polygamy and are requiring proof bin Laden has obtained a divorce in Saudi Arabia before allowing him to move to Felix-Brown's $1.1 million home in
Moulton, Cheshire, in Britain's rural northwest.
"We have been told there will not be a problem as long as we can provide the original documents from his divorce from his first wife. And that should be done in a week," said the second Mrs. bin Laden.
Bin Laden's son seeks life as UK country gentleman: Applies for visa to live with Brit wife, have child, become activist for peace >>>Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)