Showing posts with label MEMRI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MEMRI. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Saudi Cleric Sultan Al Dugheilbi on Corrupt Western Culture Impacting Muslim Youth

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Indian Muslim Leaders Issue Declaration Against Taliban's Imposition of 'Jizia' (Islamic Poll Tax) on Pakistani Sikhs

MEMRI: After the Taliban militants recently ordered Sikhs in Pakistan's tribal region to pay Jizia (Islamic poll tax on non-Muslims), a number of Muslim leaders in India issued a declaration criticizing the militants for not following the true spirit of Islam.

"Imposition of … Jizia is Nothing More Than Extortion By an Armed and Lawless Gang Which Does Not Constitute a Sovereign Government or State"

"We, religious, political and community leaders of the Indian Muslims, are alarmed at the reports coming out of Pakistan's tribal areas about the Pakistani Taliban's kidnapping, extortion of huge amounts of money from their Sikh compatriots as Jizia, and demolition of the houses and shops of those who fail to pay the demanded sums.

"We would like to say that Jizia is a tax paid in an Islamic state for exemption from military service by healthy non-Muslim adults who are free to follow their vocations without restriction or fear, and that there is no other tax payable by them after paying this tax - unlike Muslims who have to pay various taxes including Zakat and who have to perform military service as well.

"Jizia was payable by non-Muslims only in lands conquered by Muslims, like Egypt, Syria and Iraq, but not in unconquered areas like Madina, where, during the time of the Holy Prophet, no Jizia was ever imposed on non-Muslim citizens, who enjoyed equal rights and duties under the Constitution of Madina. >>> | Sunday, July 5, 2009

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

New Dark Age Alert! "Argument from Urine" Proves Truth of Islam

Hat tip: Faith Freedom >>>

Monday, June 09, 2008

Actor Omar Sharif Says Arab Nations Will Never Be Democratized

I have said the same thing all along: Islam and democracy are totally and utterly immiscible. In other words, they are like oil and water. They do not mix. Please read my essay on this here: Islam: The Enemy of Democracy and Freedom - ©Mark

FOX NEWS: Egyptian actor Omar Sharif — best known for his film roles in Lawrence of Arabia and Doctor Zhivago — reportedly blasted U.S. policy in Iraq and said Americans are ignorant.

According to The Middle East Media Research Institute, Sharif said the "East" will never have a democracy because people like him "prefer to go to the neighborhood sheik." MEMRI —a Middle Eastern press monitoring organization — posted an interview of Sharif that aired on the Al-Hayat TV network.

"I lived in America for a long time. Only 10% of all Americans have a passport. In other words, 90% never left America," said Sharif. "They don't know anything."

Sharif said that he spoke with President Bush before the beginning of the Iraq War and told him that Arab nations are made up of sects resistant to becoming democratized.

"I said to Bush, even before he entered Iraq: Forget about all that. We, the Arabs... We are not like [regular countries]," said Sharif. "You will drown there.["]

After being asked what Bush's response was, the actor stated: "He didn't believe me."

Sharif, who was born Michel Demitri Shalhoub and raised a Roman Catholic, converted to Islam and changed his named when he married Egyptian actress Faten Hamama in 1955.

The 76-year-old actor, known for his expertise as a bridge player, has occasionally made headlines for his hot temper. In February he pleaded no contest to charges he assaulted a parking attendant in LA who claimed he was punched by acting great. [Source: Actor Omar Sharif Says Arab Nations Will Never Be Democratized] June 8, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Dust Jacket Hardcover, direct from the publishers (US)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback, direct from the publishers (US)