Showing posts with label Levi Johnston. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Levi Johnston. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Levi Johnston Grabs for Sarah Palin's Old Job in Wasilla Mayoral Run

THE TELEGRAPH: Levi Johnston, the former fiance of Bristol Palin, will follow in Sarah Palin footsteps by running in the mayoral election of the Alaskan town of Wasilla.

The 20-year-old father of the grandson of Sarah Palin, the Republican vice-presidential candidate in the 2008 US election, will run for mayor in his hometown as part of a reality TV show, his manager, Tank Jones, said.

Wasilla, population 10,250, is where Mrs Palin, who is widely touted as a potential candidate for the Republican presidential ticket in 2012, got her start in politics, moving up from city council to mayor before winning election as Alaska's governor in 2006.

Mr Jones said Mr Johnston, whose career thus far has included stints in the Alaskan oil fields and posing nude in Playgirl, is serious about politics. >>> | Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Levi Johnston, the 20 year-old high-school “drop-out” for mayor of Wasilla? Give me a break! If the voters of Wasilla vote for this guy, they’ll need their heads read – they’ll need a phrenologist!

Don’t the Americans have any standards in politics anymore? Doesn’t one need a certain level of education, doesn’t one need to have a modicum of experience of life, doesn’t one need a mature intellect to enter into the political arena? This is really depressing! Before long, they’ll be telling us that Levi is running for president!
– © Mark

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Levi Johnston and Bristol Palin. Photos:

Bristol Palin to Levi Johnston: 'It's Over'

PEOPLE.COM: And just like that, they were off again. "It's over. I broke up with him," Bristol Palin tells PEOPLE exclusively of her second try at an engagement to Levi Johnston, father of her 19-month-old son Tripp.

Palin, 19, says the relationship soured on July 14, the very same day they announced their marriage intentions to the world. Palin says he told her that evening he might have fathered a baby with another teenage girl. (Palin did not name the young woman, but a pregnant former girlfriend of Johnston's has since publicly denied his paternity.)

In an emotional phone interview with PEOPLE, Palin spoke through tears about feeling heartbroken, humiliated and trapped – while Johnston acted cool. "There's been no remorse," she says, adding that she's seen him only once in the past three weeks.

"The final straw was him flying to Hollywood for what he told me was to see some hunting show but come to find out it was that music video mocking my family," she says. "He's just obsessed with the limelight and I got played." Continue reading and comment >>> Sandra Sobieraj Westfall | Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

Bristol Palin, reine de la communication et des tabloïds

LE FIGARO – BLOG – PEOPOLITIQUE: La républicaine Sarah Palin se retrouve à nouveau dans les pages people des magazines. Sans l’avoir recherché. Dans un rebondissement digne des meilleurs soap-opéras, sa fille aînée, Bristol, a annoncé jeudi ses fiançailles avec Levi Johnston, le père de son enfant… dont elle était séparée depuis deux ans.

Un scoop rendu public avec l’aisance d’une vétéran(e) de la peopolisation. Bristol, 19 ans, et Levi, 20 ans, ont réservé l’exclusivité de leur réconciliation à US Weekly. La jeune femme, fiancée depuis quinze jours, avait donné peu avant une interview au concurrent People, où elle était restée très évasive. Des rumeurs, démenties par la rédactrice en chef d’US Weekly, prétendent que l’hebdomadaire aurait versé 100.000 dollars aux tourtereaux.

Bristol, dont la grossesse adolescente hors mariage, si peu conforme aux valeurs conservatrices prônées par sa mère, avait défrayé la chronique lors de la présidentielle américaine de 2008, confie avoir renoué avec Levi Johnston au cours leurs rendez-vous destinés à trouver le meilleur accord de garde pour leur fils, Tripp, 18 mois. D’ailleurs la jeune femme n’a pas annoncé à Sarah Palin ses fiançailles. «Tout révéler à maman était intimidant. J’espère qu’elle se fera à l’idée. Se fiancer semble naturel même si nous n’avons pas l’approbation de nos parents», explique Bristol. Continuez à lire et écrire un commentaire >>> Par Constance Jamet | Lundi 19 Juillet 2010

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Incredible Ongoing Saga of the Palin Family…

Related articles and videos here, here, and here

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Johnston nackt im "Playgirl": Happy Birthday, Mrs. Palin

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Ein republikanisches Vorzeigeleben kann hart sein: Erst schwängerte Levi Johnston die Tochter der Politikerin Palin, dann nahm er Reißaus und stritt ums Geld. Jetzt lässt der 19-Jährige auch noch Aktfotos veröffentlichen - kurz vor dem Geburtstag der Ex-Gouverneurin.

New York - Levi Johnston, der Vater von Sarah Palins Enkelsohn, hat sich hüllenlos für "Playgirl" ablichten lassen. Der 19-Jährige sei nackt in dem aktuellen Magazin zu sehen, melden US-Sender am Mittwoch - einen Tag vor Palins Geburtstag.

Dabei kennt der Jäger aus Alaska allerdings eine Grenze: Einige wichtige Körperteile bedeckt er auf den Fotos mit seinen Händen. Er hatte schon vor Wochen angekündigt, er wolle stilvoll in dem Blatt erscheinen. >>> jdl/dpa | Mittwoch, 10. Februar 2010

Related / Verwandt:

Levi Johnston's Mother Sentenced to Three Years in Prison >>> Philip Sherwell in New York | Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Levi Johnston, Sarah Palin's son-in-law. Photo: Google Images

Levi Johnston's Mother Sentenced to Three Years in Prison

THE TELEGRAPH: The mother of Levi Johnston has been sentenced to three years in prison for dealing in prescription painkillers in the latest twist for the young man who fathered Sarah Palin's grandchild.

Sherry Johnston, 43, received the jail sentence after reaching a plea deal with prosecutors. Her son, who was engaged to Mrs Palin's daughter Bristol during her Republican vice-presidential run last year, was in court in Alaska with his mother.

Mr Johnston, 19, has been in a deepening feud with the Palins amid arguments over rights of access to his son Tripp since the end of his relationship with Miss Palin.

He has claimed that he has information that could "destroy" Mrs Palin, a popular figure on the Republican right. The former Alaskan governor is currently on a swing across America on a campaign-style book tour to promote her best-selling new memoir Going Rogue.

Mr Johnston is meanwhile in the headlines after posing nude, with some well-placed props such as an ice hockey stick, for Playgirl magazine. >>> Philip Sherwell in New York | Saturday, November 21, 2009

Friday, September 04, 2009

Ein schöner Redneck aus Alaska

TAGES ANZEIGER: Levi Johnston, der beinahe Palin-Schwiegersohn, hat einiges zu erzählen.

Ein Bild aus glücklicheren Zeiten: Levi Johnston mit seiner einstigen Freundin Bristol Palin. Bild: Tages Anzeiger

Vor Jahresfrist noch war es wie im Biedermeier, und Spitzweg hätte seine helle Freude am Motiv gehabt: Die werdende Mutter, jung und rehäugig, daneben der werdende Vater, ein muskulöser Eishockeycrack mit einem herb-hübschen Gesicht, in Liebe ineinander versunken. Das waren noch Zeiten, damals auf dem republikanischen Präsidentschaftskongress in Minneapolis, als Levi Johnston der von ihm geschwängerten Bristol Palin schöne Augen machte, derweil die Schwiegermutter in spe die republikanischen Getreuen in Verzückung versetzte und dabei sogar den Kandidaten John McCain überstrahlte.

Idylle ist implodiert

Die Idylle ist in der Zwischenzeit implodiert: Levi würde es nicht im Traum einfallen, sich auf einer Bühne mit der ehemaligen Gouverneurin von Alaska zu zeigen. Sie ihrerseits würde ihn aus dem Saal werfen lassen. Denn Levi, dieser Redneck aus Wasilla in Alaska, bewirft sie mit publizistischen Handgranaten. Im Hochglanzmagazin «Vanity Fair» packt er über Sarah Palin aus. Erst machte er sie zur Grossmutter, nun zum Gerede der Nation.

Palin habe geheimhalten wollen, dass Bristol schwanger war, behauptet er. Sie habe das Kind selbst adoptieren wollen, damit niemand herausfinde, woher es in Wirklichkeit stammte. Überhaupt sei Palin keine gute Mutter und Hausfrau gewesen, behauptet Levi weinerlich: «Sarah hat nicht gekocht, ihr Ehemann Todd auch nicht – die Kids haben alles selber gemacht: gekocht, saubergemacht, die Wäsche gewaschen, sich für die Schule fertig gemacht.» >>> Von Martin Kilian, Washington | Freitag, 04. September 2009

Levi Johnston: Money Prompted Palin to Resign

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Hockey Mom? Sarah Palin Stayed at Home, Says Levi Johnston

TIMES ONLINE: If her estranged potential son-in-law is to be believed, Sarah Palin is not just the vice-presidential candidate who lost and the Governor who quit.

According to Levi Johnston, who nearly married her daughter, Mrs Palin was the supermom who did not cook, the hockey mom who almost never attended her son's hockey matches and the fearless outdoorswoman who had never touched a fishing rod and did not know what sort of gun nestled in a box under her bed.

Exhausted - or just bored - by her duties as head of Alaska’s state government, Mrs Palin would return home most days by 5pm to take long baths and watch her favourite home improvement shows on television, according to Levi Johnston, who fathered her first grandchild and nearly married her daughter.

Mrs Palin argued frequently with her husband about the idea of divorce, insisted that she was going to adopt the baby her daughter was about to have with Mr Johnston and rapidly lost what enthusiasm she had for the Governor’s job on her return to Alaska last November, Mr Johnston claims.

Most woundingly for a woman portrayed by the McCain campaign as a doting supermom, the former high school ice hockey star writes: “There wasn’t much parenting in that house. Sarah doesn’t cook, Todd (her husband) doesn’t cook - the kids would do it all themselves: cook, clean, do the laundry and get ready for school." >>> Giles Whittell in Washington | Wednesday, September 02, 2009