Sunday, November 22, 2009

Levi Johnston, Sarah Palin's son-in-law. Photo: Google Images

Levi Johnston's Mother Sentenced to Three Years in Prison

THE TELEGRAPH: The mother of Levi Johnston has been sentenced to three years in prison for dealing in prescription painkillers in the latest twist for the young man who fathered Sarah Palin's grandchild.

Sherry Johnston, 43, received the jail sentence after reaching a plea deal with prosecutors. Her son, who was engaged to Mrs Palin's daughter Bristol during her Republican vice-presidential run last year, was in court in Alaska with his mother.

Mr Johnston, 19, has been in a deepening feud with the Palins amid arguments over rights of access to his son Tripp since the end of his relationship with Miss Palin.

He has claimed that he has information that could "destroy" Mrs Palin, a popular figure on the Republican right. The former Alaskan governor is currently on a swing across America on a campaign-style book tour to promote her best-selling new memoir Going Rogue.

Mr Johnston is meanwhile in the headlines after posing nude, with some well-placed props such as an ice hockey stick, for Playgirl magazine. >>> Philip Sherwell in New York | Saturday, November 21, 2009