Analysts and former diplomats said the succession process was likely to be stable, however, with the king and a family council expected to start work on the appointment of a new crown prince, who would probably be another brother of King Abdullah.
"With deep sorrow and grief... King Abdullah mourns his brother... Crown Prince Nayef who passed to the mercy of God on Saturday outside the kingdom," said a royal court statement carried by state media.
State TV said Nayef had died in Geneva where he had been receiving medical treatment for an unknown problem - he was thought to be 78.
His death was not expected to trigger any major changes to the kingdom's energy policy or to key relationships with the United States and other allies.
"The fundamental principle that the Saudis operate under is stability. So they will I'm sure develop a consensus among the senior members of the family over an orderly succession. That has likely been forming in recent months in any event," said Robert Jordan, U.S. ambassador to Riyadh from 2001-03.
Defence Minister Prince Salman, 76, has long been viewed as the next most senior prince after the late Nayef. If he became king, analysts believe he would continue King Abdullah's cautious reforms.
Nayef, interior minister since 1975, was appointed crown prince in October after the death of his elder brother and the previous heir Crown Prince Sultan.
State television said the burial would be in Mecca on Sunday.
In a statement, British Foreign Secretary William Hague expressed his government's condolences, saying he was sad to hear of Nayef's death.
"He served the Kingdom for many years with great dignity and dedication and his contribution to the prosperity and security of the Kingdom will be long remembered," said Hague.
The king of neighboring Bahrain ordered a three-day mourning period, Bahrain News Agency said.
Nayef had a reputation as a steely conservative who opposed King Abdullah's reforms and developed a formidable security infrastructure that crushed al Qaeda but also locked up some political activists. » | Angus McDowall | Editing by Sami Aboudi, Louise Ireland and Andrew Osborn | Saturday, June 16, 16, 2012
FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Saudi-Arabien – Kronprinz gestorben: Das arabische Königreich steht erneut vor der Suche nach einem Thronfolger. Mit dem Tod von Kronprinz Naif überlebt der greise König Abdullah den zweiten Anwärter auf seine Nachfolge. Beobachter rechnen dennoch mit einer „geordneten“ dynastischen Erbfolge. » | Quelle: DPA | Samstag, 16. Juni 2012
TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Arabie Saoudite – Le prince héritier est décédé à Genève : Le prince héritier d’Arabie saoudite, Nayef ben Abdel Aziz, est décédé à Genève, où il se trouvait depuis mai pour des raisons médicales. Ses obsèques seront célébrées dimanche à La Mecque. » | ats/Newsnet | samedi 16 juin 2012
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