Showing posts with label Kenya. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kenya. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Bill O'Reilly: 'We Live In a Cowardly World and the Terrorists Know It'

Bill O'Reilly reacted to the terrorist attack in Kenya by railing against the global cowardice to confront Islamic terrorism for what it really is: a "growing industry" out to kill the infidels that do not share their religious ideology. O'Reilly declared they would "launch another 9/11″ if they could, and after citing multiple instances of Islamic terrorism, he said, "What is the Muslim world doing about it? Nothing!"

He found it astonishing that the "most aggressive country fighting the jihad is France," crediting them for at least "understand[ing] the danger from fanatical Muslims."

O'Reilly concluded, "We live in a cowardly world and the terrorists know it."

Monday, September 23, 2013

Shocking Attack in Kenya: Why You Should Pay Attention

Former Ambassador John Price on why American's should be concerned about attack in Nairobi

Inside Story: Al-Shabab: A War of Vengeance?

As the Somali group claims responsibility for a brutal attack in Kenya, we examine the regional implications.

In the Name of Islam

FRONTPAGE MAG: Denial is the first stage of coming to terms with the unthinkable.

In Westgate, a Kenyan mall oriented toward expats, terrorists separated Muslims from non-Muslims before killing them. The Muslims were allowed to go free if they could recite a Muslim prayer.

During the attack, Al Shabaab’s Arabic Twitter account quoted the Koran, “Plant firmly our feet and give us victory over (Al-Kafireen) the disbelieving people.” (Koran 2:250). The Kuffar, the non-Muslims of Westgate, included small children.

“I don’t understand why you would shoot a five-year-old child,” one of the survivors said. But the five-year-old was not a Muslim.

Moments like these put the Clash of Civilizations into bloody context. This isn’t abstract politics. It’s not about economics, the environment or foreign policy. It’s about a worldview in which a five-year-old who can’t recite the Islamic confession of faith deserves to be killed.

The crime is not being a Muslim. » | Daniel Greenfield | Monday, September 23, 2013

Sunday, September 22, 2013

UK PM Says Terror Attack Carried Out for Islam Has Nothing to Do with Islam

FRONTPAGE MAG: In other news, despite never having even visited the UK, I am announcing that Prime Minister David Cameron has nothing to do with the UK.

Also, despite not even being Christian, I would like to say that Cameron has nothing to do with the Church of England. Because that is apparently how things work in his universe.

Prime Minister David Cameron today condemned as “absolutely sickening” and “despicable” a terror attack on a shopping centre in the Kenyan capital Nairobi in which at least 59 people, including three British nationals, were killed.

“These appalling terrorist attacks that take place where the perpetrators claim they do it in the name of a religion – they don’t,” Cameron said.

He called it “an absolutely sickening and despicable attack of appalling brutality”.

“They do it in the name of terror, violence and extremism and their warped view of the world. They don’t represent Islam or Muslims in Britain or anywhere else in the world.”
Clearly they represent quite a few Muslims. Al-Shabaab has supporters in Somali diaspora communities around the world. One such community in Kenya was likely the source of at least some of the attackers.

Furthermore there are plenty of British Muslims in Al-Shabaab. Read on and comment » | Daniel Greenfield | Sunday, September 22, 2013

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Les islamistes shebab revendiquent l'attaque de Nairobi

LE FIGARO: Au moins 30 personnes sont mortes lors de l'attaque de ce centre commercial de luxe de la capitale kenyane, et le bilan pourrait encore s'alourdir.

Un commando masqué et armé a attaqué samedi un centre commercial de luxe à Nairobi, tuant au moins 30 personnes et faisant de nombreux otages parmi la foule des riches clients kényans et expatriés. Les assaillants, qui s'exprimaient en arabe ou en somali selon des témoins, ont fait irruption à la mi-journée dans le centre commercial «Westgate Mall».

Proche du siège local des Nations unies, l'endroit était régulièrement cité par les sociétés de sécurité comme une cible possible de groupes liés à al-Qaida. En fin d'après-midi, les insurgés somaliens shebab, qui ont souvent menacé de mener des attaques sur le territoire kényan à cause du soutien militaire de Nairobi au gouvernement somalien, ont revendiqué l'attaque. «Les moujahidines ont pénétré aujourd'hui vers midi dans Westgate», le centre commercial où a eu lieu l'attaque, indique un message posté sur leur compte. «Ils ont tué plus de 100 infidèles kényans et la bataille se poursuit», affirment les islamistes. » | Par | samedi 21 spetembre 2013

Gunmen Storm Nairobi Mall in Deadly Attack

Army moves to regain control of upscale shopping centre in Kenya's capital where at least 22 people have been killed.

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Huge Fire Forces Nairobi Airport Shutdown

"Massive" blaze has gutted parts of airport in the Kenyan capital, forcing all flights to be suspended, officials say.

Friday, March 01, 2013

Barack Obama's Half-brother Malik Runs for Office in Kenya

THE GUARDIAN: Malik Obama is running for a governor's position in Kenya's nationwide elections on Monday

A politician named Obama who is running for governor in Kenya can boast of one big claim to fame on the campaign trail: blood relations with the president of the United States.

Malik Obama, 54, a half-brother of Barack Obama, is running for a governor's position in the country's nationwide elections on Monday. He said he was not sure what impact his relationship to the US president had on his campaign.

"I'm going into it as Malik Obama," he said in a phone interview from western Kenya. "I can't run away from my name and association with my brother, but I have the feeling that people somewhat want to see who the brother of Obama is."

He has invoked the message that Barack Obama leaned on during his 2008 presidential campaign: change. Malik Obama says his platform is poverty eradication, infrastructure development and industrialisation. » | Associated Press in Nairobi | Friday, March 01, 2013

‘Obama Family Is a Symbol of Religious Tolerance’

SAUDI GAZETTE: JEDDAH: Abdul Malik Obama, the brother of US President Barack Obama, has described their family as a symbol of religious coexistence and tolerance.

Speaking to Okaz/Saudi Gazette, Abdul Malik Obama said the family is a perfect example of this mindset because the US president has embraced Christianity while the rest of the family are Muslims and are leading Da’wa work, the religious call, in Africa.

Abdul Malik Obama said that coexistence between religions, preventing sedition, conflicts and wars, is important for the well-being of humanity. He confirmed that he has observed up close that President Obama loves and respects Islam and Muslims.

He said his brother has always remained in contact with the family and his roots in Africa, especially after his 2006 visit to Kenya and the birthplace of his father, Hussein Obama, in Kogelo village.

During the visit, he met his grandmother, Sara Obama; his sister, Obama Obama; his uncle, Sa’iy Obama; and his cousin, Omran Obama. He said his brother donated money to build a school bearing the name “Senator Obama.”

Abdul Malik Hussein Obama is spending most of his time in serving about 10 million Kenyan Muslims, who represent 35 percent of the country’s population, through Islamic centers and charitable societies he supervises.

He is also working as the executive secretary of the Islamic Da’wa Organization in Kenya. » | Naeem Al-Hakim | Thursday, December 09, 2010

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

La grand-mère d'Obama fête la victoire de son petit-fils au Kenya

LE POINT: La seconde épouse du grand-père paternel du président américain lui a prodigué ses conseils pour un second mandat.

Brandissant sa canne en l'air et tout sourire, la grand-mère par alliance de Barack Obama a fêté mercredi la réélection de son petit-fils à Kogelo, au Kenya, le village d'origine du père du président américain. "Prends cet excellent travail qui t'a été donné par les gens et dirige-les bien. Ils t'ont montré un immense amour en votant pour toi", a conseillé à son petit-fils Sarah Obama, seconde épouse de feu le grand-père paternel du locataire de la Maison-Blanche.

Devenu le premier président afro-américain des États-Unis en 2008, Barack Obama, aujourd'hui âgé de 51 ans, est né à Honolulu d'une mère américaine blanche et d'un père kényan noir, tous deux décédés à présent. Il mentionne sa "Mamie" dans son autobiographie intitulée Les rêves de mon père et y raconte sa rencontre avec elle lors d'un voyage au Kenya en 1988. » | Source SIPA | mercredi 07 novembre 2012

Friday, October 26, 2012

Al Shabaab Converts Christians into Jihadists

WORTHY NEWS: NAIROBI, KENYA – The militant Islamist group al Shabaab is targeting converts from Christianity to Islam to wage jihad in Kenya.

Controlling southern Somalia, al Shabaab has been launching border attacks into Kenya with poor youths from Christian backgrounds.

Godffery Ngumi, senior lecturer at the Department of Religion and Philosophy at Kenyatta University, said recent converts can be easily manipulated because they know very little about their new religion.

"It is the recent converts who (are) being used to bomb churches," said Rev. Wellington Mutiso, head of the Evangelical Alliance. "It is not members of the Somali, Boran, or Swahili communities, which have many Muslims, but the other tribes which have been known to follow Christianity …" » | Joseph DeCaro, Worthy News Correspondent | Friday, October 26, 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Kenya: Islamic Terrorists Bomb, Terrorize Obama Ancestral Home

EXAMINER.COM: Police and security forces in President Barack Obama's ancestral home in Kenya said Sunday on a Fox News Channel broadcast that they are disappointed that they've not yet arrested suspects who perpetrated two bombings at a Nairobi neighborhood on Friday night, an Israeli counterterrorism source told the Law Enforcement Examiner.

The source, a member of the Israel National Police (INP), said that [a] two police officers were wounded in back-to-back explosions.

"Sadly, the Kenyan police have failed to capture anyone connected with the attacks. The group suspected of this terrorist action are believed to be members of the Somali-based Al Shabaab, who are notorious for planting bombs, leaving the scene, and having the explosions occur long after they are gone," said the source.

Al-Shabaab is closely tied to al-Qaeda and have been involved in cross-border attacks in Nigeria and Kenya. Ironically, Kenya is U.S. President Barack Obama's ancestral home and, during his reelection campaign, he and his minions have been touting the story that al-Qaeda is almost completely defeated. » | Monday, October 15, 2012

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Foreign Office Warns of Terrorism Risk in Kenya

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: The Foreign Office has warned of an increased risk of terrorism in the Kenyan capital Nairobi.

The warning came as Kenya admitted the threat from Al-Qaeda-linked al-Shabaab insurgents from neighbouring Somalia was not "totally neutralised."

Foreign Office officials said they believed there was a heightened threat of "terrorist attacks" in the Kenyan capital and that attacks "may be in the final stages of planning."

"Attacks could be indiscriminate and target Kenyan institutions as well as places where expatriates and foreign travellers gather, such as hotels, shopping centres and beaches. We strongly advise British Nationals to exercise extra vigilance and caution in public places and at public events," the FCO said in a statement. » | Friday, January 07, 2012

Friday, December 30, 2011

The Ongoing Trafficking of Homosexual Sex Slaves from Africa to the Middle East

JIHAD WATCH: It probably comes as no surprise to Jihad Watch's regular readers that certain countries in the Middle East continue to traffic in slaves from Africa, with the authorities either indifferent or as willing accomplices. While we've written on this before, there's now a novel twist. According to a recent media report, homosexual men in Kenya are lured to certain Middle Eastern countries with the false promises of lucrative legitimate employment, only to find themselves in involuntary servitude of the worse kind--as chattel and sex slaves of rich families and individuals. Remember, in Arabic the word for 'black' and 'slave' is the same: abed.

Islamic supremacists constantly lambaste the supposedly 'immoral' West for permitting homosexuality and even legalizing gay marriage in some jurisdictions -- homosexuality is in fact a capital crime in five Muslim-controlled countries. But these same supremacists, along with every Muslim government, hypocritically and blatantly ignore the ongoing Muslim trafficking of homosexuals (and others) for the explicit and sole purpose of sex. Read on and comment » | Posted by The Anti-Jihadist | December 30, 2011

Monday, October 17, 2011

Nach Einmarsch in Somalia: Al Shabaab droht Kenia mit Anschlägen

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Die radikale islamistische Miliz al Shabaab hat mit Selbstmordanschlägen in Kenia gedroht, sollte Nairobi seine Truppen nicht aus Somalia abziehen. Zuvor waren schwer bewaffnete kenianische Truppen ins Nachbarland eingerückt.

Die radikale islamistische Miliz al Shabaab hat mit Selbstmordanschlägen in Kenia gedroht, sollte Nairobi seine Truppen nicht aus Somalia abziehen. Zuvor waren schwer bewaffnete kenianische Truppen ins Nachbarland eingerückt, um, wie ein Sprecher der kenianischen Regierung sagte, die Milizionäre "auszuschalten", die für die Entführung von zwei spanischen Entwicklungshelferinnen sowie einer französischen und einer britischen Touristin verantwortlich seien.

Ein Shabaab-Sprecher sagte am Montag, die Kenianer sollten daran denken, was in Uganda geschehen sei. Bei einem Doppelanschlag in Kampala während der Übertragung des Endspiels der Fußballweltmeisterschaft im Juli 2010 waren 76 Personen getötet worden. Der Shabaab-Sprecher sagte, dieser Anschlag sei verübt worden, weil Uganda Soldaten für die Truppen der Afrikanischen Union nach Mogadischu geschickt habe. » | Quelle: tos.; F.A.Z. | Montag 17. Oktober 2011

Thursday, May 26, 2011

People & Power - Clip: Abandon the Knife

In the Pokot community in Kenya young girls are starting to fight against the brutal rite of female circumcision

Monday, July 19, 2010

Indonesian Muslims Praying to Kenya, Not Mecca, After Faulty Edict

THE TELEGRAPH: Indonesia's highest Islamic body has been forced to apologise to the country's Muslims after admitting they have been praying towards Kenya rather than Mecca.

The Indonesian Ulema Council, or MUI, has since asked followers to shift direction slightly northward during their daily prayers. Photo: The Telegraph

Officials in the world's most populous Muslim country admitted on Monday that they made a mistake when issuing an edict in March saying the holy city in Saudi Arabia was to the country's west.

The Indonesian Ulema Council, or MUI, has since asked followers to shift direction slightly northward during their daily prayers.

"After a thorough study with some cosmography and astronomy experts, we learned they've been facing southern Somalia and Kenya," said Ma'ruf Amin, a prominent cleric of the MUI.

"We've revised it now to the north-west."

He said Indonesians need not worry, however.

"Allah understands that humans make mistakes," he said. "Allah always hears their prayers." >>> | Monday, July 19, 2010

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Obama’s Brother Lives in a Kenyan Shack

RUSSIA TODAY: U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama’s lost brother has been tracked down in Kenya. George Hussein Onyango Obama, aged 26, was found by journalists from the Italian edition of Vanity Fair. He reportedly lives in pov[erty.]

He has the same father as the U.S. senator, Barack Hussein Obama, but a different mother. Her name has been given as Jael.
The youngest of Obama’s half-brothers says he lives on less than a dollar per month in a 2m x 3m shack. Its walls are decorated with posters of famous footballers and a calendar featuring exotic beaches. The magazine also noted George has a newspaper picture of his brother.

He has only met his famous brother twice. Once when he was five and then in 2006 when Senator Obama visited Nairobi. George admits their meeting was very brief and cool. [Source: RT] | Published: Wednesday, August 20, 2008; Edited: Monday, April 05, 2010

Sunday, July 04, 2010