Showing posts with label Interfaith dialogue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Interfaith dialogue. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

West Risks Obsession with Islam, Warns Vatican

What is particularly surprising in this newspaper article is the comment made by Cardinal Tauran that all religions are equal. Did you ever think you would hear a cardinal stating such a thing? If Christianity is no better than any other religion, then why should people convert to it? Shocking! Can’t the Vatican do better than that? Little wonder the churches are emptying! - ©Mark

TIMESONLINE: The Vatican has given warning that the West's efforts at inter-faith dialogue must not be “held hostage" by Islam and are in danger of becoming "obsessed" with it at the expense of other religions.

Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, head of the Pontifical Council for Inter-Religious Dialogue, said that the Church “has to have regard for all religions". He said that the council had this week discussed new guidelines for inter-faith dialogue.

“What was interesting about our discussions was that we did not concentrate on Islam because in a way we are being held hostage by Islam a little bit," he told the Catholic website "Islam is very important, but there are also other great Asiatic religious traditions. Islam is one religion."

Pope Benedict XVI has convened an unprecedented Catholic-Muslim forum for October. He has also sought to make amends for his controversial speech at Regensburg University two years ago, when he appeared to suggest that Islam was irrational and inherently violent. He later visited Turkey and prayed at the Blue Mosque in Istanbul alongside the local imam. West Risks Obsession with Islam, Warns Vatican >>> By Richard Owen in Rome | June 10, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Dust Jacket Hardcover, direct from the publishers
The Dawning of a New Dark Age –Paperback, direct from the publishers

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Putting Profit above Principle

It has been announced that Tony Blair wants to ’devote his life to faith’. By ‘faith’ I suppose we are to understand ‘interfaith dialogue’, so as to try and ensure that we all live together in harmony.

This is a noble ambition indeed; unfortunately, however, there is one stumbling block: The nature of Islam!

For ‘interfaith dialogue’ to be meaningful, there has to be a readiness by all parties, in this case especially Jews, Christians, and Muslims, to compromise, for without compromise, interfaith dialogue becomes a meaningless exercise.

In Islam we find an implacable faith, an unyielding belief system founded on totally different principles than both Judaism and Christianity.

Christianity is based on love: The love of God, the love for God, the love of humanity. Islam, by contrast, is not a religion based on love; rather, it is based on total submission to Allah, and where there is no total submission to Him, we find the sword used to rein in the people. Indeed, Muhammad himself announced the sword to be an instrument of faith. Who, then, are we to argue with Muhammad’s declaration? How can we put a positive spin on that?

It is interesting to note that there is a maxim used by Muslims which states the following: ‘To convince stubborn unbelievers, there is no argument like the sword.’ [Source: Washington Irving: Mohammed]

For this reason, if for no other, it is difficult to see what Tony Blair hopes to achieve with his devotion to interfaith dialogue. How does he hope to change the nature of the faith of Islam? It is impossible to change nature. Indeed, can we change the nature of anything? And if this is so, then what hope have we of changing the nature of Islam, especially after more than fourteen hundred years?

The only man who could have changed its nature was the Prophet Muhammad himself. But as he is no longer around to make any changes, it is not going to be possible for mere mortals to change anything in that religion. You see, Islam is not a religion like Christianity anyway. Christianity has evolved, and has undergone a reformation. This reformation was made possible partly because Christianity, being based on the Bible, especially the New Testament, is to all but fundamentalist Christians, considered to be a book that is inspired by God. The words contained therein are not generally considered to be God’s actual words.

In this respect, Islam is very different. Islam, as we all know, is based on the Qur’an, and that book is not considered be inspired by Allah; rather, Muslims consider the book to comprise the actual words of Allah as dictated to Muhammad by the Angel Gabriel in the form of a recitation. In fact, the very meaning of ‘Al Qur’an’ is ‘The Recitation’.

The result of this difference between the holy books has led to two quite different civilizations and cultures. Muslims are very defensive of Islamic culture and civilization in a way that Westerners are not defensive of theirs.

Take our leaders. They are reluctant to face up to the fact that we have a huge problem on our hands with Islam in general, and with the rapid growth of Islam in the West in particular. In this reluctance, they are doing us no favours. On the contrary, they are remiss in their duties as guardians of our way of life, as guardians of our Judeo-Christian civilization.

What, for example, are our leaders doing to protect our values and our way of life? Interfaithing will offer no protection; actually, on the contrary, it will probably lead to compromise – the compromise of Westerners. To me it seems like a cop out. It is a smokescreen to enable the top echelons to put profit above principle.

The jihad which is being waged against the West threatens us all. It is not something we can afford to ignore; yet people are ignoring it, largely in the hope that it will go away. It won’t. If anything, it will get worse.

The jihad has many guises. One of the latest is the economic jihad being waged against capitalism. Only this morning, it was reported that there have been calls for >Ireland to introduce Shari’ah-compliant finance as a matter of urgency. As a matter of urgency, no less! Why? So that Muslims living and working in Ireland can live their lives according to their faith, without feeling conflicted by the terms and conditions of living in the ‘evil’ capitalist system.

One can but ask oneself one question here: If living under capitalism is so onerous for these Muslims, then why did they come here to live in the first place?

The leaders of finance houses who are working so hard to introduce Shari’ah-compliant financial services and products seem to be oblivious to the fact that Islamic economics is competing in every respect with capitalism. Isn’t it true to say that the interest rate is the keystone of a capitalist economy? Take that keystone away and the whole system will start to fall apart.

In Islam, riba is frowned upon. But let’s get one thing straight: Riba is generally translated as usury, not as the interest rate per se. There is a world of difference between usury, which is the charging of extortionate rates of interest for loans, and the general interest rate which is not to be equated with such extortion. Yet nobody seems to be making any difference between them. The financiers appear to have been hoodwinked into believing that the interest rate is itself frowned upon in Islamic economics. It must be said that one’s definitions in this matter depend on the Islamic scholars one reads: Some scholars frown upon the interest rate altogether, calling it all usury, whilst others take a more liberal approach and make a distinction between a reasonable rate of interest and an extortionate rate.

Whichever is the case, the fact remains that Islamic economics is not compatible with the long-term interests of a capitalist economy. One can but worry about the tentacles of Islam tightening their grip on Western economies. Lest we forget, the old adage, He who pays the piper calls the tune comes to mind. We need not wait to learn that this is indeed true. We can discern the verity of the adage already when we look around us. Take the power of the petrodollar as a case in point. Its power is profound, and it can be felt around the globe.

It is one reason why our leaders and business people are reluctant to speak out. They are overcome by greed and fear: They are greedy to earn back the petrodollars, and they are fearful that if they speak out they will incur the wrath of the Muslims living in the West, and cut off our oil supplies into the bargain.

You see, they do not have the stomach for any form of confrontation. The sad reality is, however, that the West will not survive this onslaught without a confrontation of some kind or other. It’s just not possible. Muslims are to determined too replace our Judeo-Christian civilization with an Islamic one, too determined to replace capitalism with an Islamic economic system.

But by confrontation, I do not necessarily think that we need to go to war (though that cannot, of course, be ruled out in the long-run). But we do need to protect our own values and our own way of life. Alas, this is not happening. Our leaders are giving in at every turn. Appeasement of Muslims both at home and abroad is the norm of the day. It will do nothing for the West except accelarate the demise of our civilization, and accelerate the demise of capitalism, too.

Can’t the people in power see what they are doing? Are bankers and financiers so greedy that they are willing to bring down the West for their own short-term gain? Do they not realize that they are playing with fire? Do they really believe that capitalism and Islamic economics can co-exist? Can they really be that ignorant?

Personally, I think they are not; rather, I think these people are out to get all they can before the house of cards is brought down. Remember the fall of communism? Capitalism will fall equally easily if we do not pay more attention. It’s hard to believe, I know. But the introduction of Shari’ah-compliant finance and other Shari’ah-compliant products is just the start. It is the introduction of Shari’ah law by the back the door. Today it’s banking; tomorrow it will be Shari’ah enshrined in the laws of the land, enshrined in the constitutions of Western countries. How foolish our leaders, bankers and financiers are!

Before 9/11, it would have been hard to imagine that the West could have been so weak and unwilling to fight for a way of life we have come to expect and love. But it all started going wrong after those attacks, because we were too reluctant to state the case against Islam, clearly and unequivocally. The politicians have busied themselves making excuses for Islam and have deceived the public in so doing; the business people and bankers have busied themselves making money from the countries awash with petrodollars. And in so doing they have chosen to turn a blind eye to the financing, by Saudi Arabia, of the propagation of Wahhabi Islam in the West.

So what exactly is Tony Blair going to achieve with his lifetime spent interfaithing? Is he merely going to sell the West farther down the river? And in any case, what are his qualifications for doing this job? What does he know about Islam? And where has he learnt that which he does know?

One thing is for certain: People like Tony Blair are not going to learn the true nature of Islam by sitting in five star hotels in Bethlehem, talking to fabulously rich Muslims from oil-rich countries. To learn about the true nature of Islam, one has to mix and talk with people at the grassroots level. The rich are generally Western-educated, indulge in alcohol, spend enormous amounts of money in casinos, live in the lap of luxury, and generally do not adhere strictly to their faith. They are also generally well-travelled; so they are not representative of the ordinary man in the Arab street. Ergo, little can be learnt from them when it comes to the faith of Islam.

Isn’t it high time that we all started taking stock? Isn’t it high time that we woke up to the reality which confronts us? Isn’t it high time that we started to put principle before profit?

©Mark Alexander

All Rights Reserved

Friday, May 30, 2008

Putting Profit above Principle

It has been announced that Tony Blair wants to ’devote his life to faith’. By ‘faith’ I suppose we are to understand ‘interfaith dialogue’, so as to try and ensure that we all live together in harmony.

This is a noble ambition indeed; unfortunately, however, there is one stumbling block: The nature of Islam!

For ‘interfaith dialogue’ to be meaningful, there has to be a readiness by all parties, in this case especially Jews, Christians, and Muslims, to compromise, for without compromise, interfaith dialogue becomes a meaningless exercise.

In Islam we find an implacable faith, an unyielding belief system founded on totally different principles than both Judaism and Christianity.

Christianity is based on love: The love of God, the love for God, the love of humanity. Islam, by contrast, is not a religion based on love; rather, it is based on total submission to Allah, and where there is no total submission to Him, we find the sword used to rein in the people. Indeed, Muhammad himself announced the sword to be an instrument of faith. Who, then, are we to argue with Muhammad’s declaration? How can we put a positive spin on that?

It is interesting to note that there is a maxim used by Muslims which states the following: ‘To convince stubborn unbelievers, there is no argument like the sword.’ [Source: Washington Irving: Mohammed]

For this reason, if for no other, it is difficult to see what Tony Blair hopes to achieve with his devotion to interfaith dialogue. How does he hope to change the nature of the faith of Islam? It is impossible to change nature. Indeed, can we change the nature of anything? And if this is so, then what hope have we of changing the nature of Islam, especially after more than fourteen hundred years?

The only man who could have changed its nature was the Prophet Muhammad himself. But as he is no longer around to make any changes, it is not going to be possible for mere mortals to change anything in that religion. You see, Islam is not a religion like Christianity anyway. Christianity has evolved, and has undergone a reformation. This reformation was made possible partly because Christianity, being based on the Bible, especially the New Testament, is to all but fundamentalist Christians considered to be a book that is inspired by God. The words contained therein are not generally considered to be God’s actual words.

In this respect, Islam is very different. Islam, as we all know, is based on the Qur’an, and that book is not considered be inspired by Allah; rather, Muslims consider the book to comprise the actual words of Allah as dictated to Muhammad by the Angel Gabriel in the form of a recitation. In fact, the very meaning of ‘Al Qur’an’ is ‘The Recitation’.

The result of this difference between the holy books has led to two quite different civilizations and cultures. Muslims are very defensive of Islamic culture and civilization in a way that Westerners are not defensive of theirs.

Take our leaders. They are reluctant to face up to the fact that we have a huge problem on our hands with Islam in general, and with the rapid growth of Islam in the West in particular. In this reluctance, they are doing us no favours. On the contrary, they are remiss in their duties as guardians of our way of life, as guardians of our Judeo-Christian civilization.

What, for example, are our leaders doing to protect our values and our way of life? Interfaithing will offer no protection; actually, on the contrary, it will probably lead to compromise – the compromise of Westerners. To me it seems like a cop out. It is a smokescreen to enable the top echelons to put profit above principle.

The jihad which is being waged against the West threatens us all. It is not something we can afford to ignore; yet people are ignoring it, largely in the hope that it will go away. It won’t. If anything, it will get worse.

The jihad has many guises. One of the latest is the economic jihad being waged against capitalism. Only this morning, it was reported that there have been calls for Ireland to introduce Shari’ah-compliant finance as a matter of urgency. As a matter of urgency, no less! Why? So that Muslims living and working in Ireland can live their lives according to their faith, without feeling conflicted by the terms and conditions of living in the ‘evil’ capitalist system.

One can but ask oneself one question here: If living under capitalism is so onerous for these Muslims, then why did they come here to live in the first place?

The leaders of finance houses who are working so hard to introduce Shari’ah-compliant financial services and products seem to be oblivious to the fact that Islamic economics is competing in every respect with capitalism. Isn’t it true to say that the interest rate is the keystone of a capitalist economy? Take that keystone away and the whole system will start to fall apart.

In Islam, riba is frowned upon. But let’s get one thing straight: Riba is generally translated as usury, not as the interest rate per se. There is a world of difference between usury, which is the charging of extortionate rates of interest for loans, and the general interest rate which is not to be equated with such extortion. Yet nobody seems to be making any difference between them. The financiers appear to have been hoodwinked into believing that the interest rate is itself frowned upon in Islamic economics. It must be said that one’s definitions in this matter depend on the Islamic scholars one reads: Some scholars frown upon the interest rate altogether, calling it all usury, whilst others take a more liberal approach and make a distinction between a reasonable rate of interest and an extortionate rate.

Whichever is the case, the fact remains that Islamic economics is not compatible with the long-term interests of a capitalist economy. One can but worry about the tentacles of Islam tightening their grip on Western economies. Lest we forget, the old adage, He who pays the piper calls the tune comes to mind. We need not wait to learn that this is indeed true. We can discern the verity of the adage already when we look around us. Take the power of the petrodollar as a case in point. Its power is profound, and it can be felt around the globe.

It is one reason why our leaders and business people are reluctant to speak out. They are overcome by greed and fear: They are greedy to earn back the petrodollars, and they are fearful that if they speak out they will incur the wrath of the Muslims living in the West, and cut off our oil supplies into the bargain.

You see, they do not have the stomach for any form of confrontation. The sad reality is, however, that the West will not survive this onslaught without a confrontation of some kind or other. It’s just not possible. Muslims are too determined to replace our Judeo-Christian civilization with an Islamic one, too determined to replace capitalism with an Islamic economic system.

But by confrontation, I do not necessarily think that we need to go to war (though that cannot, of course, be ruled out in the long-run). But we do need to protect our own values and our own way of life. Alas, this is not happening. Our leaders are giving in at every turn. Appeasement of Muslims both at home and abroad is the norm of the day. It will do nothing for the West except accelarate the demise of our civilization, and accelerate the demise of capitalism, too.

Can’t the people in power see what they are doing? Are bankers and financiers so greedy that they are willing to bring down the West for their own short-term gain? Do they not realize that they are playing with fire? Do they really believe that capitalism and Islamic economics can co-exist? Can they really be that ignorant?

Personally, I think they are not; rather, I think these people are out to get all they can before the house of cards is brought down. Remember the fall of communism? Capitalism will fall equally easily if we do not pay more attention. It’s hard to believe, I know. But the introduction of Shari’ah-compliant finance and other Shari’ah-compliant products is just the start. It is the introduction of Shari’ah law by the back the door. Today it’s banking; tomorrow it will be Shari’ah enshrined in the laws of the land, enshrined in the constitutions of Western countries. How foolish our leaders, bankers and financiers are!

Before 9/11, it would have been hard to imagine that the West could have been so weak and unwilling to fight for a way of life we have come to expect and love. But it all started going wrong after those attacks, because we were too reluctant to state the case against Islam, clearly and unequivocally. The politicians have busied themselves making excuses for Islam and have deceived the public in so doing; the business people and bankers have busied themselves making money from the countries awash with petrodollars. And in so doing they have chosen to turn a blind eye to the financing, by Saudi Arabia, of the propagation of Wahhabi Islam in the West.

So what exactly is Tony Blair going to achieve with his lifetime spent interfaithing? Is he merely going to sell the West farther down the river? And in any case, what are his qualifications for doing this job? What does he know about Islam? And where has he learnt that which he does know?

One thing is for certain: People like Tony Blair are not going to learn the true nature of Islam by sitting in five star hotels in Bethlehem, talking to fabulously rich Muslims from oil-rich countries. To learn about the true nature of Islam one has to mix and talk with people at the grassroots level. The rich are generally Western-educated, indulge in alcohol, spend enormous amounts of money in casinos, live in the lap of luxury, and generally do not adhere strictly to their faith. They are also generally well-travelled; so they are not representative of the ordinary man in the Arab street. Ergo, little can be learnt from them when it comes to the faith of Islam.

Isn’t it high time that we all started taking stock? Isn’t it high time that we woke up to the reality which confronts us? Isn’t it high time that we started to put principle before profit?

©Mark Alexander

All Rights Reserved

Tony Blair Wants to “Unite the World’s Religions”

”Though there is much focus, understandably, on extremism associated with the perversion of the proper faith of Islam, there are elements of extremism in every major faith” - Tony Blair

BBC: Former prime minister Tony Blair has launched a faith foundation to tackle global poverty, challenge conflict and unite the world's religions.

Mr Blair, who is a Roman Catholic, unveiled the foundation in New York.

The Tony Blair Faith Foundation has three aims: to promote faith as a force for good, improve awareness between religions and tackle poverty and war.

Mr Blair said there was "nothing more important" than creating understanding between different faiths and cultures. Blair Launches Faith Foundation >>>

Tony Blair on his foundation's aims

Hat tip: Pierre of Québec for drawing this story to my attention.

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback - UK)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback - UK)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Saudi King Extends Invite to Jews for Interfaith Meet

“The king is seen in Saudi Arabia as a reformer but one who has been outmaneuvered by the powerful religious establishment and their allies in the royal family. The interfaith conference call may be a kind of trial balloon launched to see what kind of reaction it gets in a country where liberals and religious conservatives are engaged in an ideological struggle for the future of Saudi Arabia.” – Andrew Hammond (Source)

HAARETZ: Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah has sent an invitation to the World Jewish Congress for an interfaith dialogue with Muslim and Christian leaders, Haaretz has learned.

While the date and location of the meeting has not been announced, sources have told Haaretz that King Abdullah seeks to hold the meet in Saudi Arabia, no small feat as the country is ruled by Islamic Sharia law and currently does not allow the entry of holders of Israeli passports or those whose passports bear entry visas from Israel. The country also bans all non-Muslim prayer in public.

WJC President Ronald Lauder issued a statement Monday saying that "despite all the obstacles that may still be in the way, King Abdullah's initiative is a laudable step forward. We hope that other religious leaders and political leaders throughout the world will be encouraged to join.” Saudi King Extends Invite to Jews for Interfaith Meet >>> By Shlomo Shamir | May 26, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback – USA)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardcover – USA)
United Kingdom: Islam Channel to Introduce Interfaith Game Show

THE TELEGRAPH: An interfaith game show which sees different religious groups competing against each other for cash prizes is to be launched in Britain, it was reported on Tuesday.

Faith Off has been commissioned by the digital TV station the Islam Channel in a bid to foster good relations and better understanding between different faiths.

The show is expected to feature all of the flashing lights, buzzers, puns and cheesy smiles common to ordinary game shows.
But instead of questions about celebrities and soaps, contestants will be expected to demonstrate their religious knowledge.

Two teams of four people will compete in each episode of the eight-part series, which will be hosted by Muslim comedian Jeff Mirza.

As well as being challenged to identify key figures such as the Dalai Lama and the Pope from grainy images, there will be multiple choice questions where contestants answer questions about their own, or another contestant’s religion.

Those taking part will be picked in part from respondents to online advertisements on Muslim websites, and in part via the Islam Channel’s networks.

The show’s producer, Abrar Hussain, has also produced a competition to find Britain’s best mosque.

"We’re living in a multifaith, multicultural society," he told the Guardian newspaper.

"You learn about religions at school and then you forget, so it's about transferring the basic blocks of knowledge. it’s also about learning the similarities between religions, instead of focusing on the differences." [Source: Britain’s First Interfaith Game Show Launched by Islam Channel] By Aislinn Simpson | May 27, 2008

Islam Channel >>>

Islam Channel: The Dawah Project >>>

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback - UK)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback - UK)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Saudi Church Project Runs into the Sand

"Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith." - 14th century Byzantine emperor

SPIEGELONLINE INTERNATIONAL: Two years after Benedict XVI's comments about Islam sparked protests around the world, the pontiff is once again in conflict with Muslims. This time, friction between the Vatican and Muslims is delaying the construction of what would be Saudi Arabia's first church.

A small group of prominent Islamic scholars recently stood at the airport in Rome, waiting to be picked up. But no one showed up. Instead, the academics had to find their own way to the Vatican, where they had been invited to attend a meeting to establish a "Catholic-Muslim Forum."

It was probably just a slip-up on the part of the Vatican. But it was yet another false step in the ongoing dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Islamic world.

At Easter, the pope sparked controversy when he personally baptized the Cairo-born journalist Magdi Allam. The baptismal water, wrote the pan-Arab newspaper Asharq al-Awsat, was "like gasoline on the fire" of cultures.

After the death in 2006 of the Italian journalist Oriana Fallaci, who was known for her fiercely anti-Islam views, Allam is now considered the most vocal critic of Islam in his adopted home country of Italy. "We have allowed the Islamists to take control over mosques in European countries," Allam writes. "The West, with its naïve attitudes, has nourished its own enemy." His latest book is titled "Long Live Israel." Saudi Church project Runs into the Sand >>> By Alexander Smoltczyk in Rome | April 16, 2008

Life in a Parallel Society >>> By Norbert F. Pötzl | April 16, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback - UK)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback - UK)

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

It’s Official: Tony Now ‘Does God' - BIG Time!

Tony Blair the Interfaither

TIMESONLINE: Tony Blair talks about his Faith Foundation, which is no less than an attempt to save religion from extremism and irrelevance

You can’t fault Tony Blair’s ambition.

Within hours of his leaving office last June, the UN announced that the former Prime Minister would take up a role as a Middle East peace envoy. As if attempting to solve that ancient conflict was not enough, Mr Blair will set up his Faith Foundation this year — no less than an attempt to save religion from extremism and irrelevance, and find a way for the world’s religions to co-exist peacefully. If the Blair years are over, no one’s told him.

His new London office is more adviser to JPMorgan than spiritual guru. It may not be Downing Street, but the premises overlooking Grosvenor Square in the shadow of the US Embassy are fitting for a global statesman. The carpets are plush.

Bobby Kennedy’s speeches are cheek by jowl with William Hague’s biography of William Wilberforce. And against the wall is the trademark Blair sofa so that he can conduct business as in the old days.

It is here that he talks passionately about his own faith and the cause of interfaith dialogue. As Prime Minister, faith was an issue he talked about rarely — it was not going to give him answers about public-service reform, he explained.

This was summed up by Alastair Campbell, his press secretary, who famously said: “We don’t do God.” It is clear now though, that freed from the burdens of office, Mr Blair does God very publicly.

“If you are somebody of faith it affects your politics, it affects everything that you do,” he said. “But when I was Prime Minister, if I was to give interviews on faith, I’d just have ended up with a great load of trouble.” Tony Blair Didn’t Do God in Downing Street. Now He’s Making Up for Lost Time >>> By Murad Ahmed and Daniel Finkelstein | April 8, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback)

Thursday, April 03, 2008

A Word from Her Majesty Queen Rania of Jordan

There is no doubt that this is a noble exercise in cross-cultural awareness by Queen Rania. But one cannot help thinking that Her Majesty should be aiming her message at the haters of "infidels" instead, the fundamentalist Muslims who are hell-bent on destroying Judeo-Christian civilization, and supplanting it with the backwardness that is Islam.

Queen Rania’s Website

Her Majesty Queen Rania’s official YouTube page, with an exclusive message on the importance of cross-cultural dialogue in breaking down stereotypes. Her Majesty Queen Rania

Mark Alexander

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Muslim Leaders to Meet Pope

THE GUARDIAN: Religious leaders and scholars from the Islamic world will meet the Pope in Rome for an unprecedented audience in November, it was announced today after historic meetings between Vatican prelates and their Muslim counterparts.

For two days, senior Catholics and Muslims have been preparing for the autumn encounter, deciding upon subjects for discussion and the size of the delegation to meet the pontiff.

The participants involved in this week's meetings confirmed that 24 representatives from each faith would take part in the inaugural seminar of a newly established, permanent Catholic-Muslim Forum, a direct result of their discussions and correspondence.

The forum will meet every two years. The first one will be held in Rome from November 4 until November 6.

On the third day, the seminar will conclude with a public session and a papal reception, quashing rumours of an August meeting at the Pope's summer residence in Castelgandolfo. Muslim Leaders to Meet Pope in Rome >>> By Riazat Butt, religious affairs correspondent

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)

Monday, March 03, 2008

Vatican-Muslim Talks Due to Begin in Italy


BBC: Vatican officials and senior Muslims are due to meet in Rome, hoping to lay the groundwork for landmark Catholic-Islamic talks later this year.

Five senior figures from each religion will define the terms of a larger meeting involving Pope Benedict XVI.

Catholic-Muslim relations soured after a 2006 speech in Germany, in which the Pope quoted a 14th Century Byzantine emperor's criticisms of Islam.

The Regensburg speech provoked Muslim fury and triggered protests worldwide. Vatican-Muslim Talks Due in Italy >>> By Frances Kennedy

The Pope’s Regensburg Lecture in Full

Die komplette Vorlesung des Papstes in Regensburg

The Islamization of Europe a Real Concern for the Vatican

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Roman Catholicism Alone Is the One True Faith, Says Pope Benedict XVI

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo courtesy of the BBC

BBC: Pope Benedict XVI has urged world religious leaders not to allow God's name to be used to justify violence.

"Religions must never become vehicles for hatred," the Pope told the leaders attending a peace summit in Naples.

The Catholic Church, said the Pope, would continue to seek dialogue to bridge the gap between cultures.

Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus and Zoroastrians are attending the event organised by the Sant'Egidio Community, a Catholic lay organisation.

Catholics supremacy?

The three-day conference - entitled For a World Without Violence: Religions and Cultures in Dialogue - gathers scholars and religious leaders.

They include Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew I, the Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, Israel's chief rabbi Yona Metzger and the imam of the United Arab Emirates, Ibrahim Ezzeddin.

"In a world wounded by conflicts, where violence is justified in God's name, it's important to repeat that religion can never become a vehicle of hatred, it can never be used in God's name to justify violence," the Pope told the gathering.

"On the contrary, religions can and must offer precious resources to build a peaceful humanity, because they speak about peace in the heart of man.

"With respect for the differences between different religions, we are all called to work for peace and an effective effort to promote reconciliation between peoples."

But he also made it clear that he will never budge on traditional Catholic teaching, that Catholicism alone is the one true faith, reports the BBC's David Willey from Naples. Pope decries ‘religious’ violence (more)

Mark Alexander

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Cardinal Signals Firm Vatican Stance with Muslims

PARIS (Reuters) - The top Vatican official for Islam has praised a novel Muslim call for dialogue but said real theological debate with them was difficult as they saw the Koran as the literal word of God and would not discuss it in depth.

Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, in an interview on Friday with the French Catholic daily La Croix, also said Christians would have to discuss curbs on building churches in the Islamic world in the dialogue advocated by 138 Muslim scholars in the appeal.

His interview, coming after mostly positive comments by other Catholic Islam experts, signaled the world's largest Christian church wanted a serious dialogue with Muslims that did not avoid some fundamental issues dividing the religions.

"Muslims do not accept that one can discuss the Koran in depth, because they say it was written by dictation from God," Tauran said. "With such an absolute interpretation, it is difficult to discuss the contents of faith."

The fact that Muslims can build mosques in Europe while many Islamic states limit or ban church building cannot be ignored, he said. "In a dialogue among believers, it is fundamental to say what is good for one is good for the other," he said.

The appeal last week by 138 scholars representing a large majority of Islamic views invited Christian leaders to a dialogue based on their common belief that love of God and neighbor is the cornerstone of their religions.

It was unprecedented because Islam has no central authority to speak for all believers, especially not the silent minority that does not agree with radicals whose preaching of jihad and rejection of other faiths often dominates the headlines. Cardinal signals firm Vatican stance with Muslims (more)

Hat tip: Robert Spencer

Mark Alexander

Thursday, October 11, 2007

”Survival of the World,” at Stake, Say Muslims to Pope

TIMESONLINE: The "survival of the world" is at stake if Muslims and Christians do not make peace with each other, leaders of the Muslim world will warn the Pope and other Christian leaders today.

In an unprecedented open letter signed by 138 leading scholars from every sect of Islam, the Muslims plead with Christian leaders "to come together with us on the common essentials of our two religions" and spell out the similarities between passages of the Bible and the Koran.

The scholars state: "As Muslims, we say to Christians that we are not against them and that Islam is not against them - so long as they do not wage war against Muslims on account of their religion, oppress them and drive them out of their homes."

The phrasing has echoes of the New Testament passage: "He that is not with me is against me" - a passage used by President George Bush when addressing a joint session of Congress nine days after 9/11.

The Muslims call instead for the emphasis to be on the shared characteristics of world's two largest faiths.

The letter, addressed to Pope Benedict XVI, to the Orthodox Church's Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew 1 and all the other Orthodox Patriarchs and to the Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams and the leaders of all other Protestant churches worldwide, will be rolled out around the world this morning in a series of press conferences beginning in Jordan. It is supported by the Bishop of London, the Right Rev Richard Chartres.

It is expected to be followed by a joint conference between Muslim and Christian world leaders at on "neutral" ground, such as at a university in America.

"Finding common ground between Muslims and Christians is not simply a matter for polite ecumenical dialogue between selected religious leaders," the Muslim scholars say, noting that Christians and Muslims make up over a third and a fifth of humanity respectively.

"Together they make up more than 55 per cent of the population, making the relationship between these two religious communities the most important factor in contributing to meaningful peace around the world. If Muslims and Christians are not at peace, the world cannot be at peace."

The Muslims even quote passages verbatim from the Bible, extremely rare in a publication of this kind and at this level and an indication of their resolve to bring the two faiths together and end the present tensions between them.

The letter continues: "With the terrible weaponry of the modern world; with Muslims and Christians intertwined everywhere as never before, no side can unilaterally win a conflict between more than half of the world's inhabitants. Thus our common future is at stake. The very survival of the world itself is perhaps at stake." Pope told 'survival of world' at stake if Muslims and Christians do not make peace (more) By Ruth Gledhill

Ruth Gledhill’s blog on this article

Open Letter to Pope Benedcit XVI

Mark Alexander

Friday, July 20, 2007

You ‘Interfaith’ If You Want To. This Gentleman Is Not For ‘Interfaithing’!

Ex nihilo nihil fit

EDITORIAL: After the shocking news that “home grown” Muslim “terrorists” (more rightfully called jihadis) planned to blow up nine aircraft full of passengers mid-flight over US metropolitan areas which would have killed thousands of innocent people (mostly infidels in their eyes) – in other words, mass murder of enormous proportions – there have been renewed calls for more interfaith dialogue with “our Muslim brothers and sisters”. These calls for more interfaith dialogue are naïve at best, downright stupid, dangerous and appeasing at worst.

One engages in dialogue with people who are yielding enough, with people who are willing enough to shift their opinions somewhat, in order to be able to reach a compromise. Muslims are totally and utterly unyielding. There can be no compromise with them. None at all! They believe they are right. They believe they are God’s (more correctly Allah’s) chosen people, the people who have a monopoly on the truth. They believe that we are inferior beings to them simply because we do not belong to their faith group, because we have not accepted Muhammad as the final messenger of Allah. Further, they believe that we are unclean and unworthy. Their stated aim is to take over the world, to Islamize it. This is the aim of jihad. How can one engage successfully in dialogue with such people?

To engage in dialogue with Muslims is a futile exercise. Nothing will come out of it. Ex niliho nihil fit. This is not a defeatist attitude; rather, it is a realistic one. Islam is out to dominate the world, out to supersede Christianity as the only worthy faith, and out to annihilate Israel and the Jews. With such people, one does not engage in dialogue; rather, one fights them, one thwarts their ambitions, one vanquishes them.

In any case, what is there to discuss? Muslims deny all the basic tenets of Christianity: They deny that Jesus was the Son of God; they deny that Jesus was crucified (hence the cross is anathema to them); they deny that true Salvation can be found only when one accepts Jesus as one’s Redeemer; indeed, they deny that Jesus is the Christ.

If someone doesn’t believe in these basic tenets of our faith, then there is absolutely nothing to talk about.

In actual fact, Muslims believe that Islam is the perfection of religion for man for all time. They believe that Muhammad came to bring this perfection about. They believe that Muhammad was the ultimate prophet of Allah, and that Jesus was the penultimate one. Jesus is therefore a lesser ‘prophet’ in their eyes than Muhammad is. This should surely be anathema to Church leaders; but apparently it is not. So dilute has our faith become in the eyes of the Church elders!

It defies belief that our Church leaders are prepared and willing for Muslims to deny - absolutely - the raison d’être of the Church. What Church leaders should be urging their priests to do is evangelize, they should be bringing Muslims to task for their heinous crimes against humanity, and showing them the Way, the Truth and the Light. That, after all, is what they are paid to do; it’s their raison d’être. But they seem not to know it!

Do churchmen not know that every country in which Islam has put down roots it has eventually taken over and snuffed out Christianity almost for good. Egypt, Libya, Syria, and the Lebanon are good cases in point. Yes, there are still some Christians left in some of these countries – just – but these countries are now Islamic, and the indigenous populations are minorities in their own lands. Christianity never thrives where Islam takes hold. So what on earth are our Church leaders aiding this process of our own destruction for? Don’t they really believe that Jesus is the Christ? Don’t they really believe that Jesus was crucified for our sins? Don’t they really believe that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Light?

Interfaith dialogue with Muslims is a waste of time and effort; so I do not believe in it. Rather, I believe in thwarting the enemy within, and making the enemy submit to our way of life. After all, if they don’t like it here, then they are free to leave and find other pastures. Nobody is keeping Muslims here; and there is easy access to airports throughout the UK. This is true not only for the UK, but for other Western countries, too. In fact, I would hazard a guess and say that the vast majority of Westerners would be relieved if they did leave, since hell will freeze over before Muslims integrate!

To get to this point, we have made many, many mistakes. Here are some of them…

First of all, we shouldn’t have allowed so many Muslims into the West in the first place. We should have done our homework first. Successive political leaders should have read a few history books on the 1400-year struggle between Christendom and Islam. That would have set off some alarms. Instead of this, nothing was learnt from history. People thought that the wheel could be reinvented. They were let in in their droves. And – astoundingly – they are still being let in! Moreover, if we truly live in a democracy, as our leaders keep telling us, then the people should have been consulted about allowing them in, and warned of the dangers of such a course of action.

Secondly, the ones that were let in should have been told – in no uncertain terms – that they can come here if they abide by our laws, and live according to our customs; otherwise they would not be welcome here. Instead of that, the West has gone down the politically-correct, multicultural route, thus forcing the indigenous population to make all the concessions. I always liken it to guests in my home: They are always welcome, as long as they abide by the rules of the house. I make the rules in my household. I am always the boss in my own home. Once someone starts to tell me how I should run my home, I politely show him/her the door. This should have been done with these immigrants from the start. They need to be placed on the defensive. They must be shown that they are not in the driving seat in our countries, no more than we are in the driving seat in theirs.

Thirdly, who gave our leaders the permission to try and turn our countries into pluralistic havens anyway, into utopias for all the peoples of the world. Were you ever asked to vote on this? I wasn’t; I know that. And had I been asked, I would have voted a firm ‘no’, without any hesitation.

The politicians have got themselves into a fix; and they don’t know how to get out of it. They haven’t got the courage to take the necessary Draconian measures to fix this problem, so they ask for dialogue instead. This goes for the Church, too. They no longer believe in the Scriptures as they should do; so they embark on a dilution of our faith instead, so that it doesn’t offend Muslims. Church leaders will never fill the empty pews that way. People are sick and tired of their prattling! That probably goes a long way to answer why the pews in Europe are pretty empty, and are continuing to empty still further, too.

We have embarked on a perilous journey: a journey of self-destruction. If people don’t wake up to the realities of what we are facing soon, then it will be too late. It is already five to midnight!

President Bush, for the first time in a long time, had the courage recently to state that we are engaged in a war with “Islamic fascists”. This is the most truthful thing he has stated in a very long time. I applaud him for having the courage to say it. He should say it again and again, until it sinks in with the general public. But if he really wants to hit the nail on the head, he should come out and say that this is not so much a “war on terror”, but a ‘war on the jihad’, the jihad which is out to annihilate us, and annihilate freedom and democracy, and annihilate all that the West stands for. This is indeed a battle between two civilizations. In such a battle, there is no room for dialogue, there is room only for victory. For, as Churchill so wisely stated during the Second World War, “without victory, there is no survival”. That, ladies and gentlemen, is why I say: You 'interfaith' if you want to. This gentleman is not for ‘interfaithing’!

©Mark Alexander

All rights reserved

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Do We Need to Protect Our Judeo-Christian Heritage?

Yesterday, I came across this excellent and thought-provoking article written by a friend of mine in New Zealand, the owner of Judah’s Journal. As soon as I saw it, I felt I should share it with you. I bring it to you today with Judah’s express permission. Don't forget to click on the link at the bottom and go over to read the rest of it. There, you can also make a comment.
JUDAH’S JOURNAL: Yesterday in New Zealand an international inter-faith forum was opened, attended by 165 religious and cultural leaders from 15 countries. The forum was sponsored by the New Zealand, Australian, Indonesian and Philippines governments as a response to the 2002 Bali bombings, the aim being to prevent religious-inspired terrorism by building links between various faiths in what is potentially the world’s most volatile region.

In a sign of the importance they are afforded by member states, the opening was attended by NZ Prime Minister Helen Clark, the NZ Foreign Affairs Minister, Philippines President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, and the Australian Foreign Minister.

New Zealand has a Statement on Religious Diversity, prepared by the Victoria University Religious Studies Programme, and is the subject of a national process of public consultation coordinated by the Human Rights Commission. It was endorsed by the National Interfaith Forum in Hamilton in February 2007 as a basis for ongoing public discussion. The statement reads as follows:

1. The State and Religion
The State seeks to treat all faith communities and those who profess no religion equally before the law. New Zealand has no official or established religion.

2. The Right to Religion
New Zealand upholds the right to freedom of religion and belief and the right to freedom from discrimination on the grounds of religious or other belief.

3. The Right to Safety
Faith communities and their members have a right to safety and security.

4. The Right of Freedom of Expression
The right to freedom of expression and freedom of the media are vital for democracy but should be exercised with responsibility.

5. Recognition and Accommodation
Reasonable steps should be taken in educational and work environments and in the delivery of public services to recognise and accommodate diverse religious beliefs and practices.

6. Education
Schools should teach an understanding of different religious and spiritual traditions in a manner that reflects the diversity of their national and local community.

7. Religious Differences
Debate and disagreement about religious beliefs will occur but must be exercised within the rule of law and without resort to violence

8. Cooperation and understanding
Government and faith communities have a responsibility to build and maintain positive relationships with each other, and to promote mutual respect and understanding.

Need we protect our Judeo-Christian heritage? (more)
Mark Alexander

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Hans Küng: The Dreamer

Hans Küng is the Catholic who wants to unite all religions

THE SUNDAY TIMES: Tony Blair will “declare himself Roman Catholic” once he leaves Downing Street. That’s the reported view of Father Michael Seed, who is without peer in luring high-profile figures into the church. But another Catholic priest, hundred of miles away in the German town of Tübingen, may yet have a far more influential role in Blair’s future.

Professor Hans Küng is widely regarded as the most influential living Christian theologian. Although, where the Vatican is concerned, for influential read dangerous: after his 1971 book questioning the doctrine of papal infallibility Küng was stripped of his licence to teach as a Roman Catholic theologian. The turbulent high priest who has Blair’s ear (more) By Martin Wroe

Mark Alexander

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

The 'Master of Spin', the New 'Interfaith Ambassador', Finds His True Vocation: 'Spinning Them' about Islam

TIMESONLINE: Tony Blair intends to create a global foundation to foster “greater understanding” between the three “Abrahamic faiths” of Christianity, Judaism and Islam after he leaves Downing Street, The Times has learnt.

The Prime Minister, who tomorrow will announce his time-table for resignation, is expected to make the project the main focus of his energies when he leaves office this summer.

A member of his tight-knit inner-circle of advisers confirmed yesterday that Mr Blair is looking to “set up some sort of interfaith organisation”, saying: “He sees this as where the action is and nobody else is really doing it.” Blair aims to foster interfaith dialogue after leaving No 10 (Read on)

DAILY MAIL: Blair expected to say farewell in Sedgefield tomorrow

Mark Alexander

Thursday, August 17, 2006

You ‘Interfaith’ If You Want To. This Gentleman Is Not For ‘Interfaithing’!

Ex nihilo nihil fit

After the shocking news that “home grown” Muslim “terrorists” (more rightfully called jihadis) planned to blow up nine aircraft full of passengers mid-flight over US metropolitan areas which would have killed thousands of innocent people (mostly infidels in their eyes) – in other words, mass murder of enormous proportions – there have been renewed calls for more interfaith dialogue with “our Muslim brothers and sisters”. These calls for more interfaith dialogue are naïve at best, downright stupid, dangerous and appeasing at worst.

One engages in dialogue with people who are yielding enough, with people who are willing enough to shift their opinions somewhat, in order to be able to reach a compromise. Muslims are totally and utterly unyielding. There can be no compromise with them. None at all! They believe they are right. They believe they are God’s (more correctly Allah’s) chosen people, the people who have a monopoly on the truth. They believe that we are inferior beings to them simply because we do not belong to their faith group, because we have not accepted Muhammad as the final messenger of Allah. Further, they believe that we are unclean and unworthy. Their stated aim is to take over the world, to Islamize it. This is the aim of jihad. How can one engage successfully in dialogue with such people?

To engage in dialogue with Muslims is a futile exercise. Nothing will come out of it. Ex niliho nihil fit. This is not a defeatist attitude; rather, it is a realistic one. Islam is out to dominate the world, out to supersede Christianity as the only worthy faith, and out to annihilate Israel and the Jews. With such people, one does not engage in dialogue; rather, one fights them, one thwarts their ambitions, one vanquishes them.

In any case, what is there to discuss? Muslims deny all the basic tenets of Christianity: They deny that Jesus was the Son of God; they deny that Jesus was crucified (hence the cross is anathema to them); they deny that true Salvation can be found only when one accepts Jesus as one’s Redeemer; indeed, they deny that Jesus is the Christ.

If someone doesn’t believe in these basic tenets of our faith, then there is absolutely nothing to talk about.

In actual fact, Muslims believe that Islam is the perfection of religion for man for all time. They believe that Muhammad came to bring this perfection about. They believe that Muhammad was the ultimate prophet of Allah, and that Jesus was the penultimate one. Jesus is therefore a lesser ‘prophet’ in their eyes than Muhammad is. This should surely be anathema to Church leaders; but apparently it is not. So dilute has our faith become in the eyes of the Church elders!

It defies belief that our Church leaders are prepared and willing for Muslims to deny - absolutely - the raison d’être of the Church. What Church leaders should be urging their priests to do is evangelize, they should be bringing Muslims to task for their heinous crimes against humanity, and showing them the Way, the Truth and the Light. That, after all, is what they are paid to do; it’s their raison d’être. But they seem not to know it!

Do churchmen not know that every country in which Islam has put down roots it has eventually taken over and snuffed out Christianity almost for good. Egypt, Libya, Syria, and the Lebanon are good cases in point. Yes, there are still some Christians left in some of these countries – just – but these countries are now Islamic, and the indigenous populations are minorities in their own lands. Christianity never thrives where Islam takes hold. So what on earth are our Church leaders aiding this process of our own destruction for? Don’t they really believe that Jesus is the Christ? Don’t they really believe that Jesus was crucified for our sins? Don’t they really believe that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Light?

Interfaith dialogue with Muslims is a waste of time and effort; so I do not believe in it. Rather, I believe in thwarting the enemy within, and making the enemy submit to our way of life. After all, if they don’t like it here, then they are free to leave and find other pastures. Nobody is keeping Muslims here; and there is easy access to airports throughout the UK. This is true not only for the UK, but for other Western countries, too. In fact, I would hazard a guess and say that the vast majority of Westerners would be relieved if they did leave, since hell will freeze over before Muslims integrate!

To get to this point, we have made many, many mistakes. Here are some of them…

First of all, we shouldn’t have allowed so many Muslims into the West in the first place. We should have done our homework first. Successive political leaders should have read a few history books on the 1400-year struggle between Christendom and Islam. That would have set off some alarms. Instead of this, nothing was learnt from history. People thought that the wheel could be reinvented. They were let in in their droves. And – astoundingly – they are still being let in! Moreover, if we truly live in a democracy, as our leaders keep telling us, then the people should have been consulted about allowing them in, and warned of the dangers of such a course of action.

Secondly, the ones that were let in should have been told – in no uncertain terms – that they can come here if they abide by our laws, and live according to our customs; otherwise they would not be welcome here. Instead of that, the West has gone down the politically-correct, multicultural route, thus forcing the indigenous population to make all the concessions. I always liken it to guests in my home: They are always welcome, as long as they abide by the rules of the house. I make the rules in my household. I am always the boss in my own home. Once someone starts to tell me how I should run my home, I politely show him/her the door. This should have been done with these immigrants from the start. They need to be placed on the defensive. They must be shown that they are not in the driving seat in our countries, no more than we are in the driving seat in theirs.

Thirdly, who gave our leaders the permission to try and turn our countries into pluralistic havens anyway, into utopias for all the peoples of the world. Were you ever asked to vote on this? I wasn’t; I know that. And had I been asked, I would have voted a firm ‘no’, without any hesitation.

The politicians have got themselves into a fix; and they don’t know how to get out of it. They haven’t got the courage to take the necessary Draconian measures to fix this problem, so they ask for dialogue instead. This goes for the Church, too. They no longer believe in the Scriptures as they should do; so they embark on a dilution of our faith instead, so that it doesn’t offend Muslims. Church leaders will never fill the empty pews that way. People are sick and tired of their prattling! That probably goes a long way to answer why the pews in Europe are pretty empty, and are continuing to empty still further, too.

We have embarked on a perilous journey: a journey of self-destruction. If people don’t wake up to the realities of what we are facing soon, then it will be too late. It is already five to midnight!

President Bush, for the first time in a long time, had the courage recently to state that we are engaged in a war with “Islamic fascists”. This is the most truthful thing he has stated in a very long time. I applaud him for having the courage to say it. He should say it again and again, until it sinks in with the general public. But if he really wants to hit the nail on the head, he should come out and say that this is not so much a “war on terror”, but a ‘war on the jihad’, the jihad which is out to annihilate us, and annihilate freedom and democracy, and annihilate all that the West stands for. This is indeed a battle between two civilizations. In such a battle, there is no room for dialogue, there is room only for victory. For, as Churchill so wisely stated during the Second World War, “without victory, there is no survival”. That, ladies and gentlemen, is why I say: You 'interfaith' if you want to. This gentleman is not for ‘interfaithing’!

©Mark Alexander

All rights reserved