THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: This is the moment caught on CCTV when Roshonara Choudhry stabbed former Labour minister Stephen Timms in the stomach.
Armed with a three-inch kitchen knife, the 21-year-old student smiled before plunging the knife twice into the MP.
Grainy images filmed in the local community centre and released on Tuesday show Choudhry walking up to Mr Timms’ desk.
Choudhry refused to go to the Old Bailey because she did not accept the authority of the court and will be sentenced via videolink on Wednesday.
The CCTV footage of the attack showed her wearing floor length black Islamic robes, her head covered by a scarf and her face can be clearly seen. >>> Caroline Gammell | Tuesday, November 02, 2010
How long is it going to be before our mentally-challenged leaders figure out that these barbarians really don’t belong in the civilized West? – © Mark