Showing posts with label Berlin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Berlin. Show all posts

Sunday, August 06, 2017

What Not to Do in Berlin: A Nazi Salute

Two Chinese tourists have been arrested in Berlin accused of making the Nazi salute outside the German parliament.

Friday, June 02, 2017

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Ivanka Gets Booed

Ivanka Trump was recently booed defending her father’s policies. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, the hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

German Crowd Boos Ivanka Trump for Calling Her Father a ‘Champion’ for Families

THE WASHINGTON POST: A German crowd booed Ivanka Trump on Tuesday after she called her father a “a tremendous champion of supporting families.”

Trump was taking her first crack at diplomacy abroad in her new role as assistant to the president, vowing at an economic conference in Berlin to create “positive change” for women in the United States.

“He encouraged me and enabled me to thrive,” she said on a panel with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. “I grew up in a house where there was no barrier to what I could accomplish beyond my own perseverance and my own tenacity.”

Miriam Meckel, editor of the German magazine Wirtschaftswoche, noted the audience’s response of groaning and hissing and asked Ivanka Trump whether her father is actually an “empowerer” of women. » | Danielle Paquestte | Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Ivanka Trump in Berlin: Angela Merkel trifft mächtigste Frau des Weißen Hauses

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Ivanka Trump ist die einflussreichste Frau in der amerikanischen Regierung. Nun kommt die „First Daughter“ nach Deutschland - und trifft die einflussreichste Frau in der Bundesregierung. In einer Angelegenheit, die beiden sehr am Herzen liegt.

Ivanka Trump kommt nach Deutschland - und trifft die Kanzlerin. Die wohl mächtigste Präsidententochter der Welt, die mittlerweile ein Büro im Weißen Haus bezogen hat, nimmt gemeinsam mit Angela Merkel (CDU) an einem internationalen Gipfeltreffen zur Stärkung von Frauen teil.

Ziel der Veranstalter ist es, Frauen in eine bessere wirtschaftliche Lage zu versetzen, ihnen mehr Chancen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt zu verschaffen sowie eine größere Beteiligung am Unternehmertum zu ermöglichen. Der sogenannte „Women20 Summit“ wird an diesem Dienstag und Mittwoch im Rahmen der deutschen G20-Präsidentschaft ausgerichtet. » | Quelle: ala./dpa | Dienstag, 25. April 2017

Monday, April 24, 2017

Relief in Berlin as Macron Wins First Round

HANDELSBLATT – GLOBAL: Pro-EU candidate Emmanuel Macron’s success in France’s first-round presidential election has raised hopes in neighboring Germany that the French will reject far-right candidate Marine Le Pen and break the populist fever that has swept Europe.

Berlin can breathe a sigh of relief – for now. Centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron has taken the lead in the first round of France’s presidential election, raising hopes in neighboring Germany that its most important European partner will hold the line against a populist wave that threatens to upend the European Union.

The contest, however, is far from over and the final outcome is anything but certain. Far-right candidate Marine Le Pen was nipping at Mr. Macron’s heels in Sunday’s poll, trailing him by just 2 percentage points in the first round according to preliminary results. » | Spencer Kimball | Sunday, April 23, 2017

Friday, March 31, 2017

Brexit Reax - Brits in Berlin | DW Deutsch

Rund 10 000 Briten leben in Berlin. Sie sind nervös, es wird ernst mit dem Brexit. Müssen sie Berlin bald verlassen? Obwohl die Stadt vielleicht die neue Startup-City Europas wird.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Brigitte Gabriel: Chancellor Merkel 'Reaping What She's Sown'

Author and activist Brigitte Gabriel criticized German Chancellor Angela Merkel over her perceptibly lax immigration policies prior to Monday's truck attack at a Berlin Christmas market.

Police are still searching for a suspect who drove a large vehicle into an outdoor 'Weihnachtsmarkt' in a fashionable section of the capital.

"She obviously is reaping the results of what she has sown," Gabriel said, adding that Merkel previously tried to "underplay" whether refugees were behind a series of rapes on New Years Eve 2015 in Köln.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Die Helden vom Breitscheidplatz

Der stetig zunehmende Terrorismus ist eine Begleiterscheinung der Flüchtlingspolitik. Mit der Entscheidung, alle Menschen ungefiltert ins Land zu lassen nehmen westliche Demokratien auch die hiermit einhergehenden Gefahren in Kauf. Daher sind vor allem die Menschen, die sich dem bewusst und entschlossen entgegenstellen, wahre Helden.

Berlin Attack Suspect Anis Amri Was Under Surveillance for Months

A Tunisian national Anis Amri named as the suspect in the Berlin Christmas market attack had been on the radar of counter-terrorism agencies months before.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Berlin - Torn between Anger and Fear

German Officials Name Suspect in Berlin Terror Attack

Dec. 21, 2016 - 2:54 - Manhunt under way for 24-year-old Anis Amri

Rising of the Far-Right and the Challenges after Berlin Truck Attack | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Far-right voices in France and Germany are gaining more prominence in the wake of terror attacks; how will this impact future elections and policies? The Morning Joe panel discusses.

Angela Merkel mit Blut an den Händen: Geert Wilders spricht Klartext

Report: Berlin Terror Suspect a Tunisian Refugee

Dec. 21, 2016 - 3:32 - Greg Palkot reports from London

Dresden Police Install Barriers at Christmas Market after Deadly Berlin Truck Attack

Dresden authorities have begun installing concrete barriers around the city's Striezelmarkt Christmas market in response to Monday's attack in Berlin, Tuesday. Security measures have been boosted in the area resulting in increased police presence.

Douglas Murray - Is Merkel Culpable for Terrorist Attacks?

Douglas Murray on consequences of Merkel's migrant policy with Sky, after Berlin attack.

Douglas Murray - Berlin Terror Manhunt

Douglas Murray on Good Morning Britain discussing the terror manhunt in Berlin.