Showing posts with label Ayman al-Zawahiri. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ayman al-Zawahiri. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Port du voile : Al-Qaïda menace la France Le numéro deux d'Al-Qaïda, Ayman al-Zawahiri, s'en est violemment pris à la France pour sa prétendue hostilité au voile islamique, estimant qu'elle «va payer pour tous ses crimes», rapporte ce mardi le centre américain de surveillance de sites islamistes SITE.

«La France prétend être un pays laïque alors que son coeur est plein de haine pour les musulmans», a déclaré le chef d'Al-Qaïda en réponse à une question d'un site islamiste sur une prétendue hostilité de la France au port du hijab.

«La France va payer pour tous ses crimes», a-t-il conclu. >>> | Mardi 04 Août 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Ayman Al-Zawahiri appelle les Pakistanais au djihad

LE MONDE: Dans un enregistrement vidéo de 8 minutes et 49 secondes, le numéro deux d'Al-Qaida, Ayman Al-Zawahiri, met en garde les Pakistanais contre les interventions américaines dans les questions militaires et politiques de leur pays. Le leader islamiste d'origine égyptienne affirme que la "croisade" menée par les Américains vise à éradiquer le cœur de la lutte islamiste afin de démembrer le Pakistan et de le transformer en une série de "petites entités loyales et dépendantes des néo-croisés".

Dans cette vidéo intitulée "Mes frères et mes sœurs musulmans au Pakistan", postée mardi 14 juillet sur des forums djihadistes, il dit que les interventions américaines menacent l'avenir du Pakistan. "La manipulation par les croisés américains du destin du Pakistan a atteint un tel niveau que cela met gravement en danger le futur et l'existence même du Pakistan", déclare le numéro deux d'Al-Qaida dans la vidéo, obtenue par le centre américain de surveillance des sites islamistes, SITE. >>> LEMONDE.FR avec AFP et Reuters | Mercredi 15 Juillet 2009

CNN: Al Qaeda Message Urges Pakistanis to Back Militants

The people of Pakistan must back Islamic militants to counter the influence of the United States in their country or face punishment from God, Ayman al-Zawahiri, al Qaeda's second in command, said in an audio message released early Wednesday.

"I believe that every honest and sincere Muslim in Pakistan should seriously contemplate ... Pakistan's present state and expected future, because the blatant American crusader interference in Pakistan's affairs ... has reached such an extent that it now poses a grave danger to Pakistan's future and very existence," al-Zawahiri said in the message, which was released on radical Islamist Web sites.

Zawahiri warned Muslims that they have a religious duty to support the jihad, or struggle.

"If we stand by passively without offering due support to the mujahedeen, we shall not only contribute to the destruction of Pakistan and Afghanistan, but we shall also deserve the painful punishment of almighty God," he said. >>> | Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Monday, April 20, 2009

Terrorism: Al-Qaeda No.2 Unimpressed by Obama

Ayman Al-Zawahiri. Photo: GoogleImages

ADN KRONOS INTERNATIONAL (AKI): Dubai - Barack Obama's election as US president has failed to lift America's status in the Muslim and Arab world, and is a victory for Al-Qaeda, according to a new audio message allegedly from the terror network's second-in-command, Ayman al-Zawahiri. The video was posted on key jihadist websites on Monday.

The authenticity of the tape is yet to be verified. The purported message is in Arabic and, unlike previous ones, contains no English subtitles. The message is edited with extracts from recent Arabic TV interviews with Arab political analysts.

"In our view, America is still the country that kills Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine. It is the country that steals our assets and occupies our lands, and which props up thieving and corrupt Arab regimes.

"The Islamic nation has opted to revive Islam and refuses to give in to oppression. Killing or capturing people casts the US in an even worse light. The US airstrikes in Pakistan pour oil on the flames and will lead to further defeats for that country," al-Zawahiri says.

Obama's election was actually a political triumph for Al-Qaeda and the result of US defeat in Iraq, the message says.

"Obama's victory is nothing more than the recognition by the American people that (former president George W.) Bush's policies had failed, and that the administration was lying when it claimed to have defeated the mujadeen (holy warriors)," al-Zawahiri says. >>> | Monday, April 20, 2009

Friday, November 28, 2008

Zawahiri Blames Global Financial Crisis on 9/11 in Latest Al-Qaeda Video

THE TELEGRAPH: Al-Qaeda's second-in-command, Ayman al-Zawahiri, has said in a new internet video that the international financial crisis is the result of a US war on Muslims and the Sept 11 attacks.

Zawahiri also claimed the recent security gains made by US forces in Iraq were only temporary and Afghan President Hamid Karzai's offers to negotiate with Taliban elements were a sign of his regime's weakness.

The comments in a new internet video come a week after Zawahiri compared US President-Elect Barack Obama to a "house negro" implying he did the bidding of whites.

The video, "Al-Azhar – The Lions' Den", was posted on jihadist websites earlier this week according to the SITE intelligence group, which monitors online Islamist militant propaganda.

Zawahiri said: "This crisis is one of ... the series of American economic haemorrhages after the strikes of September 11... And these ... will continue as long as the foolish American policy of wading in Muslim blood continues."

"The ones shouldering the burden are taxpayers, whose money was spent to rescue senior capitalists and to protect the fraudulent interest-based system from collapse." >>> By Ben Farmer in Kabul | November 28, 2008

ASSOCIATED PRESS: Al-Qaida No. 2 to US: Overcome Meltdown with Islam

CAIRO, Egypt — Al-Qaida's No. 2 leader appeared in a new video posted Friday calling on Americans to embrace Islam to overcome the financial meltdown, which he said was a consequence of the Sept. 11 attacks and militant strikes in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Ayman al-Zawahri, whose 80-minute recording touched on a number of subjects, also lashed out at Afghanistan's government and said any U.S. gains in Iraq will be temporary.

Zawahri's new recording came in the form of a question-and-answer session with an off-camera interviewer.

Appearing in a white turban and robe, Zawahri discussed the roots of the U.S. economic crisis. He said it was a repercussion of the Sept. 11 attacks in the United States, and that the crisis would continue "as long as the foolish American policy of wading in Muslim blood continues."

"The American economy was afflicted by a downturn and loss of investor confidence in the market following the events of Sept. 11," he said.

"The modern economy has been destroyed by the strikes of the mujahedeen (in Iraq and Afghanistan) and usury," he said, using the Arabic term for holy warriors.

Under Islamic Sharia law, usury, like drinking alcohol, is among the grand sins.

Zawahri then called on the American people to "embrace Islam to live a life free of greed, exploitation and forbidden wealth." >>> | November 28, 2008

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Al-Qaeda Vows to Hurt Obama's US

BBC: The second-in-command of Islamic militant network al-Qaeda has called on Muslims to harm "criminal" America.

In a message purportedly from Ayman al-Zawahiri, the al-Qaeda deputy accused US President-elect Barack Obama of betraying his Muslim roots.

He likened him to a "house slave" - who had chosen to align himself with the "enemies" of Islam.

Mr Obama has said stamping out al-Qaeda "once and for all" will be a top priority during his administration.

On Sunday, he said capturing or killing Osama Bin Laden was "critical" to US security.

He has also promised to bolster the US presence in Afghanistan - a policy that would fail, said the al-Qaeda deputy.

The US said the message did not signal any increased threat against America.

This is undoubtedly a message aimed at sustaining anti-American sentiment among Muslims in the face of Barack Obama's election, says the BBC's defence correspondent Rob Watson.

But it is a risky approach, our correspondent says.

Barack Obama is hugely popular world-wide and his colour and background make him a much tougher target to attack than President George W Bush in the eyes of a global audience, he says.

'Trespassing crusader'

Zawahiri, an Egyptian by birth, is often referred to as Osama Bin Laden's right-hand man and the chief ideologue of al-Qaeda.

The audio message, which ran with photographic stills and some video footage, appeared on militant websites.

Mr Obama's election did not mean that US policy towards the Muslim world had changed, Ayman al-Zawahiri said, according to the 11-minute message.

He warned Mr Obama of failure if he followed the policies of the Bush administration.

The change of leadership in the US did not mean that America should be perceived differently, he added.

"America, the criminal, trespassing crusader, continues to be the same as ever, so we must continue to harm it in order for it to come to its senses," he said.

Zawahiri also criticised Mr Obama - whose father is Muslim - for betraying the Islamic world.

"You were born to a Muslim father, but you chose to stand in the ranks of the enemies of the Muslims, and pray the prayer of the Jews, although you claim to be Christian, in order to climb the rungs of leadership in America," he said.

Mr Obama was not an "honourable black American" like Malcolm X, he said, but an "abeed al-beit" - a word that translates as house slave but was rendered "house negro" in the message's English subtitles. >>> | November 19, 2008

Listen to BBC audio: A clip from al-Qaeda's message >>>

CNN: Al Qaeda Leader Mocks Obama in Web Posting

Al Qaeda's No. 2 leader is heard in a Web posting Wednesday warning President-elect Barack Obama that "a heavy legacy of failure and crimes awaits" him.

In the message, purportedly from Ayman al-Zawahiri, the speaker criticized Obama's foreign policy positions on Afghanistan and Israel and ridiculed the president-elect's worldview, comparing him unfavorably to Malcolm X, the fiery African-American Muslim activist from the 1950s and 1960s.

The posting, an 11 minute and 23 second audio message in Arabic with subtitles in English, appeared on the Web on Wednesday. Its authenticity cannot yet be confirmed.

It shows a graphic with the words "The departure of Bush and the arrival of Obama." That graphic also contains a still image of Malcolm X on a Muslim prayer rug in a mosque; images of Obama, wearing a Jewish skullcap, at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, and a picture of al-Zawahiri.

There are also archival videos in the message, including clips of speeches from Malcolm X.

"You have reached the position of president, and a heavy legacy of failure and crimes awaits you. A failure in Iraq to which you have admitted, and a failure in Afghanistan to which the commanders of your army have admitted," the message said.

The speaker also said Obama's plan to pull troops from Iraq and send them to Afghanistan "is a policy which was destined for failure before it was born."

"If you still want to be stubborn about America's failure in Afghanistan, then remember the fate of Bush and Pervez Musharraf, and the fate of the Soviets and British before them," the message said. "And be aware that the dogs of Afghanistan have found the flesh of your soldiers to be delicious, so send thousands after thousands to them."

The message said Obama appears "to be captive to the same criminal American mentality towards the world and towards the Muslims." The speaker cited Muslims' ire toward Obama's support of Israel.

The message said Obama represents the "direct opposite of honorable black Americans" like Malcolm X.

The speaker also said Obama, former and current secretaries of state Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice, and "your likes" fit Malcolm X's description of "house slaves."

The English translation of the message used the term "House Negroes," Malcolm X's term for blacks who were subservient to whites.

Laura Mansfield, a terrorism analyst, said this wouldn't be the first time al-Zawahiri used the Arabic term "abayd al bayt," which literally translates as slaves or servants of the house. >>> | November 19, 2008

NZZ Online: Kaida droht Barack Obama: Geplante Truppenaufstockung in Afghanistan «zum Scheitern verurteilt»

Die Nummer zwei des Terrornetzwerkes Kaida, Aiman as-Sawahiri, hat den künftigen amerikanischen Präsidenten Barack Obama davor gewarnt, weitere Truppen nach Afghanistan zu entsenden. Ein solches Vorhaben sei «zum Scheitern verurteilt», sagte Sawahiri in einer Mitteilung.

(sda/afp) Obamas Vorhaben, amerikanische Soldaten aus dem Irak nach Afghanistan zu verlegen, sei «zum Scheitern verurteilt», sagte Sawahiri in einer im Internet veröffentlichten Audiobotschaft, die am Mittwoch von der auf die Beobachtung islamistischer Websites spezialisierte SITE Intelligence Group veröffentlicht wurde.
Wenn Obama sich weiterhin weigere, das «Versagen der USA» in Afghanistan anzuerkennen, solle er sich an das Schicksal des scheidenden Präsidenten Bush, Pakistans zurückgetretenen Staatschef Pervez Musharraf sowie die Niederlagen Grossbritanniens und der Sowjetunion in Afghanistan erinnern. >>> | 19. Novemebr 2008

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Le numéro 2 d'Al-Qaida traite Obama d'"esclave noir" au service des Blancs

DUBAI | Le numéro 2 d'Al-Qaida, Ayman Zawahiri, a traité le président élu des Etats-Unis, Barack Obama, d'"esclave noir" au service des Blancs, dans un message diffusé mercredi sur l'internet.

Dans sa première intervention depuis la victoire de Barack Obama le mois dernier, l'adjoint égyptien d'Oussama Ben Laden traite le premier Noir élu président et d'autres Noirs occupant ou ayant occupé d'importantes fonctions aux Etats-Unis, "d'esclaves noirs domestiques" qui vivaient dans la maison de leurs maîtres blancs.

"Ce que Malcom X disait au sujet des esclaves employés de maison s'applique à vous et à des gens comme vous", a dit Zawahiri mentionnant l'ancien secrétaire d'Etat Colin Powell et son successeur Condoleezza Rice.

Le message présente une photo de Malcolm X, un militant musulman noir américain qui fut assassiné en 1965.

"Vous représentez l'opposé de Noirs américains honorables comme Malcom X", ajoute Zawahiri, alors que l'on entend en fond sonore des discours du militant américain sur les droits de l'homme et l'égalité. >>> AFP | 19.11.2008

REUTERS: Qaeda Scorns Obama with Racial Slur

WASHINGTON - Al Qaeda's deputy leader accused Barack Obama of betraying his race and his father's Muslim heritage on Wednesday and urged more attacks, as the group tried to counter the incoming U.S. president's global popularity.

Osama bin Laden's second-in-command Ayman al Zawahri attacked Obama as a "house Negro," a racially-charged term used by 1960s black American Muslim leader Malcolm X to describe black slaves loyal to white masters.

"You represent the direct opposite of honorable black Americans like ... Malcolm X," Zawahri said in an 11-minute recording publicized on the Internet on Wednesday. It was al Qaeda's first high-level commentary on Obama's election on November 4. Bin Laden could also release a message on Obama within the next two weeks or so, one analyst said.

Zawahri criticized Obama's support for Israel and plans to send more U.S. troops to Afghanistan, where he said they were destined to fail. He urged Islamist fighters to keep striking a "criminal" United States until it withdraws from Muslim lands.

The recording was distributed on a videotape that carried pictures of Obama at the Western Wall in Jerusalem and Malcom X, flanking Zawahri in the center. >>> By Randall Mikkelsen | November 20, 2008

TRANSCRIPT: English Translation of Zawahiri Message >>> | Wednesday, November 19, 2008

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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Europeans See Higher Terror Threat

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR: A new tape by Al Qaeda's Ayman al-Zawahiri calls for reprisals in Europe, where officials see increasing terrorist activity and anger over provocative depictions of Islam.

Al Qaeda's No. 2 leader Ayman al-Zawahiri said reprisals were possible in Denmark, Japan, Norway, and Sweden, in an audiotape released Tuesday. Coming in the wake of messages from Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in March, the comments have raised concerns about the potential for new attacks in the West.

In some European countries, terror-threat levels have been elevated, with both Britain and Dutch leaders announcing in recent weeks that the potential for terror activity appeared to be increasing. That was attributed to more terrorists operating in Europe and to controversial depictions of Islam in cartoons and in film.

On Tuesday, a tape release by Osama bin Laden's top lieutenant called for strikes against the US-coalition in Iraq. The tape, for which a full translated transcript is not available, criticized the Palestinian group Hamas over "reported readiness to consider a peace deal with Israel" and Iran's "complicity" in the US assault on Afghanistan in 2001, reports the Agence France-Presse. Mr. Zawahiri also asserted that the "greed" at the root of global warming would make the world more sympathetic to Muslim "jihad" against the West. The voice on the tape could not be confirmed, but the two-hour message was the second of two installments in which Zawahiri responded to questions taken from extremist websites, the Associated Press reports. Europeans See Higher Terror Threat >>> By Peter Smith | April 23, 2008

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