Showing posts with label Al-Jazeera. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Al-Jazeera. Show all posts
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
'A Big Joke': Former Al-Jazeera Director Discusses Trump on Q&A
Donald Trump,
Wadah Khanfar
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Al-Jazeera Journalists Sentenced to Three Years in Prison by Egyptian Court
An Egyptian judge sentenced three journalists to three years in prison on Saturday in connection with their work for al-Jazeera English.
At the end of their retrial, Mohamed Fahmy and Baher Mohamed were taken into custody from a metal and glass cage inside the courtroom at Cairo’s Tora prison. Peter Greste was deported to his home country of Australia in early February and was convicted in absentia.
The case has been an illustration of the erosion of press freedom in Egypt in the two years since the military removed the country’s elected Islamist president, Mohamed Morsi, from power. » | Jared Malsin in Cairo | Saturday, August 29, 2015
Friday, January 18, 2013
LE FIGARO: Yves Debay qui couvrait les combats entre les insurgés et les forces loyales à el-Assad a trouvé la mort jeudi en Syrie. Personnage atypique, il dirigeait la revue Assaut qu'il avait fondée.
Des images vidéo sont venues confirmer la mort du reporter Yves Debay, tué jeudi à Alep par un tireur embusqué, alors qu'il couvrait les combats entre les insurgés de l'Armée syrienne libre et les forces gouvernementales de Bachar el-Assad. Son corps, qui portait sur les images une blessure au front, a été transporté vers la frontière turque.
Yves Debay était un personnage pittoresque, et unique en son genre, que l'on croisait fréquemment sur les champs de bataille. Ce journaliste excentrique était arrivé au reportage de guerre guidé par sa passion pour les armes et pour les soldats. » | Par Adrien Jaulmes | vendredi 18 janvier 2013
LE FIGARO: Syrie: un journaliste d'Al-Jazeera tué – Le journaliste Mohammad Hourani de la chaîne Al-Jazeera, du Qatar, a été tué aujourd'hui par un tireur embusqué dans la province de Deraa, dans le sud de la Syrie, a annoncé la chaîne satellitaire. "Mohammad Hourani a été tué par balle par un tireur embusqué du régime à Basr al-Harir dans la province de Deraa, où il couvrait les affrontements", selon Al-Jazeera. » | AFP | vendredi 18 janvier 2013
Monday, December 06, 2010
Qatar is using the Arabic news channel al-Jazeera as a bargaining chip in foreign policy negotiations by adapting its coverage to suit other foreign leaders and offering to cease critical transmissions in exchange for major concessions, US embassy cables released by WikiLeaks claim.
The memos flatly contradict al-Jazeera's insistence that it is editorially independent despite being heavily subsidised by the Gulf state.
They will also be intensely embarrassing to Qatar, which last week controversially won the right to host the 2022 World Cup after presenting itself as the most open and modern Middle Eastern state.
In the past, the emir of Qatar has publicly refused US requests to use his influence to temper al-Jazeera's reporting. >>> Robert Booth | Monday, December 06, 2010
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
BBC: An Arab newspaper has published what it says are excerpts from diaries written by the ousted Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein while in captivity.
The extracts printed in Al-Hayat portray a man who never seems to have stopped believing in himself as a historic leader.
Al-Hayat said it had obtained extracts from the handwritten memoirs, which the paper said ran to five big volumes.
Saddam Hussein was ousted in 2003 and executed three years later.
No remorse
Some of the entries were signed "Saddam Hussein, President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces".
The language he uses often suggests a leader addressing the nation, and frequently he urges the Iraqis - as he did during his trial - to unite and resist the US-led occupation.
He quotes from the Koran a great deal and describes the Iranians as a greater danger to Iraq and the Gulf Arabs than Israel. ’Saddam’s Jail Diaries’ Published >>> By Magdi Abdelhadi | May 6, 2008
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback - UK)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback - UK)
Saddam Hussein
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