Thursday, January 09, 2025

Liz Truss - "Cease and Desist" Letter to Keir Starmer

Jan 9, 2025

Liz Truss is a nonentity. It is astonishing that such a woman bereft of any abilities should ever have become the prime minister of the United Kingdom in the first place. As we all know, she was obsessed with Thatcherism and was determined to apply Thatcher’s policies once again. This, of course, would have been foolhardy in the extreme. Thatcherism might have been okay for the Eighties, though many would dispute that, but they would certainly not have been right for these times. It was Thatcherism — and Reaganomics — after all that has brought about the extremes of wealth and poverty we can now observe on both sides of the Atlantic. We hardly needed more of such policies to widen the wealth gap still further. (Though the MAGA-maniac, otherwise known as Trump, will be practising his version of Reaganomics Stateside for sure.)

Liz Truss is one of the many clowns that we now see on the political stage. We truly are living in very strange times. Once upon a time, clowns joined circuses to earn their crusts and were satisfied to make fools of themselves to entertain others; these days, they enter politics to make small fortunes and make fools of us instead!

Were I to be Liz Truss, I should be inclined to hang my head in shame, and laugh all the way to the bank with the generous pension she now gets from the state, but in no way deserves. But instead of that, not recognising her dire lack of talent, she is itching to get back onto the world stage to screw up the economy once again for a second time. – © Mark Alexander