Monday, July 08, 2024

The Conservative Party Should Be 'Put Out of Its Misery' and 'Dissolved' | Marcus Fysh

Jul 7, 2024 | “I’m just calling it how I see it, if it was my business I would wind it up.” The Conservative Party is no longer "a viable entity", says former Conservative MP Marcus Fysh.

This man is right in so many ways, but wrong when it comes to what has killed the Tories. Cameron, along with Osborne, started the death spiral by instigating extreme austerity measures which have caused untold damage to this country’s economy, infrastructure, and social services, etc., creating poverty in the country, the likes of which we haven’t seen since the Victorian era. Then Cameron made the stupid move of calling for a referendum on our membership of the European Union, which again has led to even more impoverishment of the nation. Regardless of what Marcus Fysh says, this country cannot achieve lasting prosperity and growth outside of the world's largest and most successful single market and customs union this world has ever known. And one which is on our doorstep to boot. Brexit is one of the main reasons for the death of the Tories. Further, regardless of what this man says, you cannot make Brexit work. The best that can be done — maybe — is mitigate the losses caused by Brexit, but even that is going to prove extremely difficult.

On top of all this, the electorate grew tired of the circus of clowns that were presented as the leaders of the party. And their policies were ridiculous, un-Conservative, unworkable, and often extremely expensive. Take that ridiculous Rwanda policy as a case in point. Then there was the corruption in the Conservative Party which the electorate grew tired of, too.

But Marcus Fysh is right in calling for the death of the Tories. As I have stated on so many occasions over the years, the Tories need to go the way of the Whigs, into oblivion. The party is a relic of a bygone age. Moreover, it is riven by disagreements over direction and future policies. When they were one nation Conservatives, the party was successful. As soon as they abandoned one nation Conservatism, the party started to fall apart. It must also be said that under the Tories, the wealth gap has grown and grown. Children in the country are going hungry whilst the superrich are living in the lap of luxury. This is no recipe for the success of a political party. The electorate grew tired of it all. The Conservatives deserve their fate. – © Mark Alexander