Saturday, June 18, 2022

The Hate Preachers: Bigotry and Fearmongering by Extremist Christian "Leaders"

Mar 22, 2022 • Columnist, podcaster, and activist Hemant Mehta joins us for a difficult yet necessary dive into the hate platforms like The New Independent Fundamental Baptist Movement. The featured audio clips aren't pleasant to hear, but they reflect Old Testament-based bigotry and the tragic war on our fellow human beings.

There are some weird people in America: members of cults, satanists, extreme Christians, and all sorts of other crazy people. Scratch the surface and God only knows what one will find. I feel sure that Seth Andrews would agree with my assessment. To be honest with you all, I find extreme people like some of the ones shown in this video to be both disturbing and creepy. I often thank God that I was born this side of the Pond. – © Mark Alexander


Seth Andrews

Hemant Mehta.