Thursday, June 30, 2022

Meet the Aussie Men Challenging Gender Stereotypes | 60 Minutes Australia

It's a revolution. You won't see it on the news. It's quiet, it's happening in the suburbs, but it's still a significant social upheaval. Now, more women are out working and more are in high-powered, highly-paid jobs. So, more and more men find they have to adapt too. To give up all they've been brought up to believe in. To forget ambition, career and their traditional role as bread winner. Dad's been left holding the baby, literally. He's the new male, the man many women want. But how does this new domestic creature cope when the wife holds the purse strings, and he's the one in the apron?

When I learn about how the world is changing like this, it makes me glad that I am gay! And unattached! Who on earth would want to be a house husband? How demeaning! How emasculating! How depressing! Men need to get a grip! I am a modern man; but not that modern! Can anyone please direct me to the nearest monastery? – © Mark Alexander