Saturday, March 19, 2022

We Need More Europe, Not Less!

The war that Russia is waging on the Ukraine should make one thing clear to us all: We need more Europe, not less.

Europe needs to be united; and Europe needs its own military—its own army, its own air force, its own navy—to be able to counter the threat from the autocratic world.

It goes without saying that we Europeans need to work closely with our stalwart, American friends and allies; however, it is unreasonable to expect Americans always to come and fight our corner. We must also play our part – and in full.

Recent Russian aggression in the Ukraine should have already convinced us that our liberal, democratic continent is no longer to be taken for granted, no longer safe from the dictatorial and autocratic ambitions of Russia and its co-conspirators and like-minded friends.

It therefore goes without saying that we Europeans need a strong military to counter any threats that come our way. No country, no continent was ever strong by showing disunity. Weakness has never been an answer to military or existential threats. Europe needs to be strong, united and militarized.

Let Europe unite; let Europe be strong; let Europe build its military! Long live Europe! Es lebe Europa! Vive l’Europe ! – © Mark Alexander