Saturday, March 19, 2022

Fury Greets Johnson’s Claim Ukraine Fight Is Like Brexit

Boris Johnson made the remarks at the Conservative party spring conference in Blackpool.Photograph: Phil Noble/Reuters

THE OBSERVER: Prime minister says vote is ‘famous recent example’ of ‘instinct of the people … to choose freedom’

Boris Johnson has caused fury among political leaders across Europe – and outrage among opponents of Brexit at home – after he compared the resistance of the Ukrainian people to Russia’s invasion to the UK’s decision to leave the EU.

In a clear attempt to rally the Tory faithful behind a Brexit theme, the prime minister said in a speech to the Conservative spring conference in Blackpool that the world faced a moment of choice “between freedom and oppression”.

He went on: “There are some around the world, even in some western governments, who invoke what they call realpolitik. And you say that we’re better off making accommodations with tyranny.”

He then added: “And I know that it’s the instinct of the people of this country, like the people of Ukraine, to choose freedom, every time. I can give you a couple of famous recent examples. When the British people voted for Brexit, in such large, large numbers, I don’t believe it was because they were remotely hostile to foreigners. It’s because they wanted to be free to do things differently and for this country to be able to run itself.”

The remarks caused astonishment not only because Ukraine applied last month, after the Russian invasion began, to become a member of the EU, but because the comments suggested that the EU was itself a form of tyranny to be escaped from. » | Toby Helm and Daniel Boffey | Saturday, March 19, 2022

Not only is BoJo an embarrassment, but he is also an eff*** tw*t! (Supply the vowel of your choice.) – Mark