Tuesday, November 02, 2021

Turkey: Homosexuality Could Soon Be “Illegal”

Mar 15, 2021 • “The clock is ticking! Homosexuality will be illegal in Turkey! We must act NOW! Recently, Turkish President Erdogan said there was no such thing as LGBT people! His Interior Minister referred to protesters as ‘LGBT Deviants’ on Twitter. Their rhetoric is ramping up, and we KNOW how this will end. Soon, it will be illegal to be LGBTQ in Turkey. We must act NOW!”

In this video, Okan Sengun explains what is happening in Turkey. From the 2021 Boğaziçi University student protests, trans women were arrested at the Women's March.

Okan explains what Twitter should do immediately to stop the spread of hate speeches in Turkey and the horrible end gay Turks are facing if they don’t speak out.