Friday, September 03, 2021

Message: Google, Blogger, It Appears, Is Homophobic!

I‘m thinking seriously of changing platforms. Even though I have been blogging on Google’s Blogger for twenty or so years; since I changed this blog’s focus, making it far more gay-friendly, I have become increasingly convinced that inexplicable things are happening in the background which do not correspond with the facts as I am able to garner them from other stat counter websites I am connected with.

For example, I have had an excellent connexion with a French website for many, many years. Its recording of my stats tells me a very different story from the stats that Google tells me. According to that website, my stats are going up; according to Google, my page views are going down! Go figure!

I have just had 4,000 page views shaved off my monthly total in the last half hour or so. A similar thing happened last night. This has nothing to do with any algorithm; it has everything to do with the human hand and possibly with homophobia. Of that I am convinced.

Just because a company is tech savvy, it doesn’t mean that its employees are enlightened! Some of Google’s employees appear not to be!

So, please do not be surprised if I inform you soon that I have a different web address. If I do get a new web address, you will be informed well in advance. Naturally, I do not want to lose anyone. Not even one of you! You are all very important to me. I consider you as part of my family.

Any changes will be published well in advance. Please look out for possible changes.

Warm wishes to all.