Saturday, August 07, 2021

Taliban Captures Provincial Capital in Afghanistan

THE GUARDIAN: Loss of Zaranj in Nimroz, near the border with Iran, a major blow to the western-backed government

The Taliban has captured an Afghan provincial capital after pleas for reinforcements by local security forces went unheard, in a major blow to the western-backed government.

Zaranj, in the south-western province of Nimroz, fell after just three hours of fighting becoming the first provincial capital to be taken by the insurgents who have intensified their nationwide offensive as foreign forces withdraw from Afghanistan after 20 years of war.

Late on Friday, heavily armed Taliban fighters driving captured Humvees were patrolling the streets of Nimroz, one of the country’s main financial hubs, where Taliban commanders declared an overnight curfew.

“Nowhere in the entire Nimroz province is under government control – the Taliban has captured it all,” said one local official. “Security forces have either fled to other provinces or surrendered to the Taliban.” » | Akhtar Mohammad Makoiiin Herat | Friday, August 6, 2021

Afghanistan: les talibans s'emparent d'une deuxième capitale provinciale : Après Zaranj, c'est au tour de la ville de Sheberghan de tomber dans les mains des insurgés en moins de 24 heures. »