Sunday, December 01, 2019

Can Angela Merkel Save Her Grand Coalition? | Inside Story

Germany's Social Democrats elect new leaders, putting at risk Angela Merkel's coalition government.

Germany's Social Democrats, or SPD, have chosen two leaders who want to leave Angela Merkel's grand coalition. Many of their party members say they want to focus on rebuilding support in the opposition.

The coalition between Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats and the SPD was formed last year. The SPD's new leaders ran on a joint ticket with a promise to re-negotiate the partnership deal on issues of spending and climate policies. Its party congress is expected to decide by next week - on whether it will continue to support Merkel. But should the SPD decide to leave, the Chancellor has the option of leading a minority government or forming a new coalition with smaller opposition parties. A snap election is also in the cards.

So, where does this leave Germany and Europe?

Presenter: Adrian Finighan | Guests: Thorsten Benner - Director of Global Public Policy Institute;. Julien Hoez - Managing Director of Vocal Europe; Matt Kvortrup - Author, 'Angela Merkel: Europe's Most Influential Leader'