Sunday, September 13, 2015

Munich at Limit of Capacity amid Refugee Surge, Say Police

THE GUARDIAN: President of Upper Bavaria reportedly unsure how city ‘can cope’ day after 12,200 refugees arrive in German city

Munich is at the limit of its capacity to welcome refugees arriving in Germany, police have said, a day after 12,200 asylum-seekers reached the city.

“We had a total of 12,200 refugees on Saturday ... today we’re expecting several hundreds. Given the numbers from yesterday, it is very clear that we have reached the upper limit of our capacity,” said a police spokesman.

“Our aim today would be to transport as many as possible out of here, to make place for new arrivals,” he added. » | Agence France-Presse | Sunday, September 13, 2015

BILD AM SONNTAG: „München ist voll“: Die Stadt München kann nicht mehr. Alle zwei Stunden steigen am Hauptbahnhof bis zu 500 Flüchtlinge aus einem Zug. Die meist jungen Männer werden im Gänsemarsch durch einen abgesperrten Korridor bis zur ersten Sammelstelle geführt. Helfer mit Mundschutz und Handschuhen drücken ihnen Wasser und Kekse in die Hand. » | Von T. Gautier, A. Hellemann, N. Mertens und B. Uhlenbroich | Sonntag, 13. September 2015