Friday, July 04, 2014

Hate-preacher Anjem Choudary’s Oslo Ally Calls Homosexuality ‘A Nasty, Cruel Disease’

BREITBART.COM: A Norwegian Islamist extremist with links to Anjem Choudary, the London-based hate preacher who wants to establish an Islamic state in Britain, has launched a Facebook campaign against the Europride festival in Oslo this week.

The Local reports that Ubaydullah Hussain was linked earlier this year with Egzon Avdyli, a 25-year-old from Oslo who was reported killed fighting in Syria with jihadist forces.

Following reports of Avdyli’s death, Hussain declared him a martyr in a Facebook post. Included in the post was a picture of Avdyli and Hussain standing on each side of Choudary. » | M. E. Synon | Tuesday, June 27, 2014

Exclusive: Norwegian Govt. Could Request Extradition of UK Islamist Anjem Choudary »