Saturday, June 14, 2014

It Would Be a Major Disaster for Britain and the US to Intervene in Iraq

DAILY EXPRESS: BRITAIN and the US may abhor the rise of Islamic fundamentalism in Iraq but they have played a major part in encouraging it.

And the upsurge of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant across northern Iraq is a pointer to what is likely to happen in Afghanistan once Nato pulls out its combat troops at the end of this year.

Whether we like it or not, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were serious strategic mistakes.

We destroyed the repressive regime of Saddam Hussein but opened the door for Islamic fundamentalists.

Saddam was an evil man but he opposed fundamentalism and he kept it under control.

After the invasion we destroyed the Iraqi army and Iraq’s security apparatus.

This allowed Islamic fundamentalism to get in and make very serious inroads into the Iraqi Government architecture.

We sowed the wind and now we are reaping the whirlwind. Read on and comment » | Major Charles Heyman | Saturday, June 14, 2014