Wednesday, June 05, 2013

EU Gone Bad: Islam, Tribalism & Economic Crisis

CBN NEWS: PARIS and BERLIN -- On May 21, French historian Dominique Venner shocked France when he walked into Notre Dame Cathedral, put a letter on the altar and shot himself in the head. It was a protest against Islamization and France's new gay marriage law, and he said he hoped his suicide would wake up the nation.

But it looks like Europe has no choice. It's being forced to awaken because parts of Europe are literally on fire.

In Sweden, a few weeks ago predominantly Muslim immigrants set fires for several nights. In Britain, a soldier was butchered on a London street by a Muslim. In France, a recent convert to Islam tried to do the same thing to a French soldier at a Paris metro stop, but only wounded him.

Breeding Grounds for Radicalism

Amidst failing economies Europe is continuing to fracture into ethnic tribes that hate one another. Some European leaders have admitted that multiculturalism has failed. It has created immigrant ghettos inside European cities that are breeding grounds for radicalism and hostility to mainstream society.

In Paris, CBN News asked Guy Milliere, author of the new book l'islam Radical est une Arme de Destruction Massive, or Radical Islam is a Weapon of Mass Destruction, why the European establishment continues to allow and encourage Islam to spread while suppressing Christianity. "The connection between radical Muslims and the Left in Europe is that both are totalitarian," he replied. "(The Left) sees something in common between themselves and radical Muslims."

Most European leaders still seem to fear political correctness more than Islamic terrorism.

British Prime Minister David Cameron said, "There is nothing in Islam that justified the beheading of British soldier Lee Rigby by a Muslim," ignoring the many verses in the Quran that command Muslims to behead unbelievers.

Cameron instead called the murder "a betrayal of Islam." It took the Somali terrorist group al-Shabab to correct Cameron in a series of tweets, saying that the gruesome killing wasn't a "betrayal" of Islam, but a "portrayal" of Islam. Read on and comment » | Dale Hurd, CBN News Sr. Reporter| Tuesday, June 04, 2013