Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Elbe-Hochwasser: Evakuierungen in Dresden: Video

05.06.2013 - Die Elbe steigt weiter und noch ist nicht abzusehen, wann der Scheitel des Hochwassers Dresden erreichen wird. Die Behörden haben mit Evakuierungen begonnen.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Großes Bangen an der Elbe: Die Pegelstände der Elbe steigen bedrohlich - immer mehr Einwohner in Sachsen müssen sich vor dem Hochwasser in Sicherheit bringen. Auch die Menschen in Sachsen-Anhalt, Niedersachsen und Brandenburg blicken besorgt auf den Fluss und seine Nebenläufe. » | wit/dpa/AFP | Mittwoch, 05. Juni 2013

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: Europe Under Water: Record Floods Hit Eastern Germany – As flooding continues across Central Europe, the eastern German city of Dresden is bracing for near record high water levels. Some residents have already evacuated their homes. ¶ Though some areas reported improved conditions, flooding continued across Europe on Wednesday, with the eastern German city of Dresden bracing for near record water levels. ¶ Officials in the baroque city said that they expect the Elbe River to continue to swell, though it is unlikely exceed levels seen in the disastrous flood of 2002, which caused widespread damage in eastern Germany and neighboring countries. Authorities are preparing for evacuations all along the Elbe, and some residents have already been forced leave their homes in Dresden, where electricity was shut off as a precautionary measure in some places. » | kla -- with wires | Wednesday, Hune 05, 2013