Tuesday, May 28, 2013

New York Goes Nuts for the 'Cronut'

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Michael Bloomberg has tried banning supersized fizzy drinks and warned that the cost of treating obesity is going to "bury us all". But that does not appear to have stopped New Yorkers take on the Cronut.

Yet New Yorkers are mounting a frenzied pursuit of the city's latest food fad: an iced doughnut made from deep-fried croissant pastry, rolled in sugar and filled with cream.

The Cronut has become Manhattan's must-have treat since going on sale earlier this month for $5 (£3.30) at the Dominique Ansel bakery in SoHo, where long queues begin forming soon after 6am.

Despite enforcing a six-Cronut limit, the bakery sells out of its 200 daily run within minutes of opening at 8am, leaving some frustrated customers tearful and even abusive towards staff. » | Jon Swaine, New York | Tuesday, May 28, 2013