THE INDEPENDENT: When ordered to stand, he refused saying 'I don't wish to stand up because I believe ruling and judgement is only for Allah'

Richard Dart, the middle class boy from Dorset who turned into an Islamic extremist, remained defiant to the bitter end as a judge gave him an extended jail sentence for being a dangerous terrorist today.
The 30-year-old son of teachers from Weymouth, who shocked his family when he became a militant Muslim, sat in the dock, clad in a skull cap and traditional dress, as he was sentenced after pleading guilty to preparing for acts of terrorism.
When ordered to rise by Mr Justice Simon, he refused, proclaiming: "I don't wish to stand up because I believe ruling and judgement is only for Allah.". As he was led away to start a sentence of 11 years, he nodded to a lone Islamic young man in the public gallery, his family nowhere to be seen. » | Terri Judd | Thursday, April 35, 2013
SWINDON ADVERTISER: Gang plotted to set off bomb in Royal Wootton Bassett, court is told » | Wednesday, April 24, 2013