Sunday, October 21, 2012

Cameron Can Overcome Mitchell Crisis by Imposing Some Discipline

THE OBSERVER: It's not so bad being called a toff. A toff who sorted out the country's problems would be very popular

The headlines on the front pages of the upmarket papers last week had been bad enough for Cameron, but the Saturday tabloids were an absolute disaster. This dog of a coalition government has let itself be given a bad name and now anyone can beat it. It has let itself be called a government of unfeeling toffs. Past governments have had far more real Tory toffs: prime ministers Alec Douglas-Home and Harold Macmillan, or even in Thatcher's day, Whitelaw, Soames, Hailsham, Carrington, Gowrie, Joseph, Avon, Trenchard and plenty more, without incurring similar abuse. » | Norman Tebbit | Saturday, October 20, 2012