Wednesday, September 12, 2012

'It's Not Our Fault': Defiance of Californian Consultant behind 'Blasphemous' Internet Film Which Accuses Mohammed of Being 'a Fraud, a Pedophile and a Womanizer'

MAIL ONLINE: Steve Klein said he felt no guilt over the death of Chris Stevens / But revealed the backlash from movie had makers living in fear / Film produced and written by Sam Bacile, a California real estate developer / The two-hour movie, 'Innocence of Muslims,' cost $5 million to make and was financed with the help of more than 100 Jewish donors / Muslims find it offensive to depict Muhammad in any manner / Fears Bacile will be 'next Theo van Gogh'- Dutch filmmaker killed by a Muslim extremist after making film that was perceived as insulting to Islam

One of the men behind the anti-Muslim film being blamed for the death of the US ambassador to Libya has claimed: 'It is not our fault, we told the truth'.

Steve Klein said that he did not feel guilty for the murder of John Christopher Stevens and that the mob who carried it out were to blame as they were following Mohammed’s violent teachings.

Speaking to MailOnline, Klein said that the film was designed to stop the Muslim population in America reaching 10 per cent as they would then 'work together and attack their host country'.

The film, which accuses Mohammed of being a fraud, paedophile and womaniser, sparked violent attacks against U.S. diplomatic compounds in Libya and Egypt on Tuesday, killing four American citizens.

The two-hour movie cost $5 million to make and was financed with the help of more than 100 Jewish donors, who believe the film will help his native land by exposing Islam's flaws to the world.

A 13-minute trailer for the film, which is called either The Innocence of Muslims or Mohammed, Prophet of the Muslims, was first uploaded to YouTube in July, but did not receive much attention.

But last week, a version was dubbed into Arabic and re-posted on the same YouTube channel. » | Jill Reilly and Daniel Bates | Wednesday, September 12, 2012