Friday, April 13, 2012

The Draw of Limb Amputations, Beheadings, Stonings to Death? Islam's Popularity Growing among Predominantly Catholic Austria

PRESS TV: The Central European Country of Austria is home to a population of just over 8 million people… Its history is rooted in Christianity, and indeed, it is a predominantly Catholic country… figures however are putting the growing islamic population at just over half-a-million since 2010… And it raises the question: what is the appeal of Islam, in a Central European Country, whose main religion is Christianity…?

Ms. Bagajati represents a growing number of people worldwide who are finding comfort in the teachings of Islam; leaving behind the world they are familiar with… Many have stated that they are disillusioned, and indeed abuse scandals in the Catholic church has played a major part in the exodus of members… so admits, Catholic Priest, Father Michael Prüller. (+ video) » | Thursday, April 12, 2012