Thursday, March 29, 2012

David Cameron and George Osborne Are Seen as Out-of-touch Toffs – David Davis

TELEGRAPH – BLOGS – JAMES KIRKUP: When sorrows come, they come not as single spies but in batallions. In David Cameron's case, those batallions often include one David Davis, late of the SAS and the Conservative shadow cabinet.

Ben Brogan has already identified the need for the Government to look and sound like it understands the rest of us. Mr Davis, the former shadow home secretary is making a similar point, in a rather more aggressive way. He's has given an interview to BBC Radio Four's World at One, in which he warned that the Cameron-led Conservatives risk losing the "hard-working aspirant" working class. "You can’t win an election without them," he noted.

Because of austerity measures, those people feel they’ve been “pushed off the escalator”, he said. "They start to resent those at the top of the escalator, and that works worst against Conservatives.”

“They look at the front bench. They see them, all very well turned out, well-fed, they look like they’re in a completely different world" Read on and comment » | James Kirkup | Thursday, March 29, 2012