Monday, December 19, 2011

We Should Listen When Germany Says the EU Is the Answer to Its War Guilt

TELEGRAPH BLOGS – BENEDICT BROGAN: There was a striking moment during William Hague's joint press conference with Guido Westerwelle, the German foreign minister, who stopped off in London to soothe relations after that euro ding-dong that so exercised the French. Indeed, the Quai d'Orsay will be anxious – or possibly narked – by their collegiate display. Mr Westerwelle, playing Garfunkel to Mr Hague's Simon, said he wanted to "build bridges over troubled waters" and praised Britain as "an indispensable partner in the EU." Germany, he said, wanted to make the next steps on the EU "together" with the UK, which is why the UK have been pressed to attend the talks. We can add this occasion to the mounting evidence (such as the PM's successful conversation with Angela Merkel) that Germany is keen to have the UK around in the negotiations as a counterweight to the excitability of France. Read on and comment » | Benedict Brogan | Monday, December 19, 2011