Thursday, June 23, 2011

’Happy Hour’ Re-defined! EU Officials Use 'Love Hotels' in Their Lunch Break

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: EU officials are the main customers in Brussels "love hotels" where couples can rent brothel-style rooms by the hour to conduct illicit affairs with colleagues.

One popular haunt is the Treviso Hotel on Place Stephanie in the expensive and trendy Ixelles municipality of Brussels where many of the EU's well-heeled Eurocrats live.

The "love box" hotel bills itself as a venue for couples "with room service and discretion assured" in glamorous rooms rented out at £66 an hour.

Anne De Schepper, the hotel's manager, told The Daily Telegraph that the long lunch break was the preferred time of day for her clientele of EU officials to commit adultery. » | Bruno Waterfield, Brussels | Thursday, June 23, 2011