Saturday, April 02, 2011

Quran Burning Sparks Deadly Protest

Seven UN workers were among the dead after a protest over the burning of a Quran in Florida descended into mob violence.
Hundreds of people marched on a UN compound in Mazar-e-Sharif and attempted to seize guards' weapons.
Al Jazeera's Hashem Ahelbarra reports from Kabul on the increased tensions which have followed the publication of photos showing US soldiers posing with the bodies of dead Afghans

Reaction to Quran Burning

US pastor Terry Jones' supervision of the burning of a Quran has drawn international condemnation, while, in Afghanistan, protests against the act led to the deaths of seven UN workers.
Al Jazeera's Kimberley Halkett reports on the small-time preacher known for stirring up big-time hate