Thursday, November 25, 2010

Things Are Beginning To Turn Ugly!

THE DAILY EXPRESS: THE Daily Express today becomes the first national newspaper to call for Britain to leave the European Union.

From this day forth our energies will be directed to furthering the cause of those who believe Britain is Better Off Out.

The famous and symbolic Crusader who adorns our masthead will become the figurehead of the struggle to repatriate British sovereignty from a political project that has comprehensively failed.

After far too many years as the victims of Brussels larceny, bullying, over-regulation and all-round interference, the time has come for the British people to win back their country and restore legitimacy and accountability to their political process.

Following the debacle of the Lisbon Treaty – disgracefully imposed upon the public without the referendum they were promised by the three main political parties – many had expected matters European to take a lower profile in British politics.

But the opposite has been true as those on board the European gravy train have mounted one power grab after another.

At a time of austerity throughout Europe they have expanded their bloated budgets, pushing Britain’s disproportionate contributions even higher.

And despite not being part of the failing eurozone, British taxpayers have learned that under Brussels rules agreed to by Labour after it had lost the election they are liable to help bail out economies wrecked by the single currency.

A payment of up to £10billion for Ireland is apparently just the start, with speculators now starting to target the embattled economy of Portugal.

Despite unemployment across Europe averaging more than 10 per cent, Brussels continues to propose new job-destroying regulations and conspire to turn the whole EU into a zone of high taxation.

It is also seeking to take an ever more dominant role in border control issues, leaving its member states powerless to control migrant flows not only from other EU countries but from Asia and Africa too.

The European Court of Human Rights has continued to trample on British justice, preventing the deportation of terror suspects and demanding that convicted prisoners are given the vote.

Withdrawal from the EU should be accompanied by a withdrawal from the jurisdiction of this alien, pan-European tribunal so that matters of British justice are decided once again in British courts. Get Britain Out Of Europe >>> The Daily Express | Thursday, November 25, 2010
This is a sad article indeed. Winnie must be turning in his grave! Of course, there is a lot of truth written here; but so much has been left out.

You have forgotten to write about the positive things Europe has done for Britain, preferring to concentrate on all that is negative.

The idea of a single currency is a wonderful one. Unfortunately, in their haste to get things done, the powers that be in Europe went the wrong way about it. They should have been a little more patient and let it grow country by country, bit by bit. They should have also realised that it is difficult to have a common currency where there is no common governance.

But the EU has enabled many people to move home to sunnier climes, And British travellers are entitled to free medical treatment in European countries. The EU has indeed at times been meddlesome; but it must also be said that it has ensured human rights for many, too. And think of the great variety of European goods in the shops, especially foodstuffs we had hitherto not been able to buy. I am old enough to remember having to go to a specialist delicatessen in a large town or city to get continental foods, whereas now it is possible to obtain them in any old supermarket in any old town or village.

We must be careful not to throw the baby out with the bathwater. We must be careful not to turn inward and think that everything British is good and everything European is bad. And do we want to return to the bad old days when international strife was the norm in Europe? Don't forget that this was one of the main catalysts for its inception. Think of Churchill's Zürich Speech delivered in 1946.

This article, whilst in many ways rather convincing, has one serious omission, namely that we will not be a sovereign nation even if we come out. Only today was it reported that this craven government is allowing outside forces, namely the Gulf (for Gulf read the Islamic world) dictate our foreign policy. Islam is winning the day.

All right, I understand that many resent policy being dictated to by the EU. In many ways I do myself. But I resent even more my country’s policies to be dictated by an alien culture; and all in the name of appeasing our oil suppliers and grovelling for arms contracts.

In such a case, give me the EU every time. At least we share similar cultures. At least the EU is still predominantly Judeo-Christian. At least all Europeans are free.
– © Mark
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