Friday, November 05, 2010

Thilo Sarrazin im «Club»

SCHWEIZER FERNSEHEN: Thilo Sarrazin, Autor des Bestsellers «Deutschland schafft sich ab», kommt mit seinen provokanten Analysen zur Migration nicht aus den Schlagzeilen. Sein Buch findet reissenden Absatz - auch in der Schweiz. Begeisterter Zuspruch breiter Bevölkerungskreise, aber auch harsche Kritik bestimmen die öffentliche Debatte. Wo hat Sarrazin Recht und: Treffen seine Aussagen auch auf die Schweiz zu?

Club vom 02.11.2010

Sarrazin Wants ‘Terms’ for Migrants to Live in Germany

HÜRRIYET DAILY NEWS: BERLIN – The former member of the German Central Bank’s executive board who sparked a fierce debate on immigration and integration issues with his controversial book has proposed “new conditions” for immigrants who want to live in the country. Those who force their daughters to wear headscarves or to marry their relatives have no place in Germany, Thilo Sarrazin said over the weekend.

Speaking to Germany’s Bild am Sonntag late last week, Sarrazin proposed severely limiting family reunification laws for immigrants, excluding the incorporation of immigrants’ children into the social welfare system.

“In my opinion, the option for relatives to follow an immigrant and be integrated into our social welfare system attracts the wrong kind of migrants,” he said, calling for the termination of social services for immigrants on a long-term basis or even permanently.

He also proposed removing Turkish or Arabic signs at public offices to “implement a whole new level of pressure on people to learn German.”

“The head of a household who speaks the German language but hinders his family from learning it has no business living in Germany. Those who prefer Turkish television programs to German, because they are on the war path with our language, have no business being in Germany,” he said. >>> Daily News with wires | Monday, November 01, 2010