Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Osama bin Laden Issues Warning to France Over Afghanistan War

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Osama bin Laden has reportedly warned France that al-Qaeda will kill French citizens in response to their continued involvement in the US-led war in Afghanistan.

In an audio message aired on Al Jazeera, bin Laden said the kidnapping of five French nationals in Niger last month had been prompted by France's unjust treatment of Muslims.

"How is it right for you to occupy our countries and kill our women and children and expect to live in peace and security?" a speaker who sounded like the al Qaeda leader said in the message directed to the French people. >>> | Wednesday, October 27, 2010

LE FIGARO: Ben Laden lance un avertissement à la France: Dans un message cité par Al-Jazira, le chef d'al-Qaida justifie la prise d'otages de Français au Sahel, exige le retrait des troupes françaises d'Afghanistan et affirme que les musulmans sont «en droit» de riposter par la violence à l'interdiction du voile intégral. >>> Par Pauline Fréour | Mercredi 27 Octobre 2010